Simple And Easy Home Management Tips For Working Moms
Are you struggling to fit everything into your day that you feel you need to? Are you exhausted and feeling guilty that you have to work?
Find the balance with these simple home management tips for working moms they are going to make a difference.
There are things that you can do that will make it easier for you and your family. These home management tips and ideas are going to change how you look at the tasks you need to do. They could even give you back some time just for you.
I know how difficult it can be to find the time for everything. Often, work seems to get in the way of getting it all done. But it doesn’t have to be like that.
What Is Home Management?
Let’s quickly look at what home management is and how everything fits together.
Home management simply means managing all aspects of your home, from cleaning to booking dentist appointments. It’s the heart of everything that happens in your home, for yourself and your family.
Read more about home management: What Is Home Management And Why Is It Important?
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Have A Command Center In Your Home
A command center is a place or a file that is the center of how you manage your home.
You can have command centers on the wall. You can have electronic ones or just a folder that sits on the countertop that everyone knows how to use.
It’s about having everything in one place. So you and your family know where to go to find the answer to any questions about any commitments.
For example:
- What’s for dinner?
- When’s my dentist appointment?
- Where is my hockey match being played?
- What do I need to buy from the supermarket?
This is the place where all important dates and information is held.
You can check out my home management binder. Or set up your first command center in your home: Do You Want To Create An Amazing Command Center?
Planning Your Day Properly
When it comes to your day, having a plan that you can accomplish is the main goal. Putting a long list of tasks that is impossible to complete in a day isn’t planning.
What a massive to-do list does is set you up to fail. This isn’t something you should be doing as it will impact how you feel. When you feel low it won’t motivate you to do any of the tasks on the list.
You need to know what time you have and the tasks that you need to complete. Let’s start with time management.
Time Management
Knowing what time you have is key to the success of your day. Don’t forget to and from work, this needs to be placed in your schedule too.
Getting good at working out your priorities, what’s urgent and needs doing first, is going to save you time. No more rushing around when you realize that you need to do something NOW!
Know the time you have and then use that time for the things that you need to do. I get it, there is never enough time if you are always playing catch-up.
Prioritizing the right tasks, at the right time, is going to make it so much easier. When you have practiced these tactics, try doing some in advance to save even more time.
Read for more information on time management: Effective Time Management Strategies To Help You
Create A Master To-Do List
Having a list of the tasks you need to do is good. You can’t keep all that information in your head, it’s not good for you to remember so much.
A master to-do list is important, you can put items on the list, and not on your daily task list. This keeps your daily list realistic and easier to manage.
If it’s important and you have to move items from today’s list put that back on your master to-do list.
Your to-do list isn’t set in stone, it’s flexible and it’s ok to move things around if you need to. But don’t use it as an excuse for not doing the tasks required.
Check out my friend Tracy Lynn’s article: How To Make A To-Do List You Love Instead Of Hate
Routines And Habits Are Good For You
Creating routines and habits in your life is going to make it easier for you. Tasks will be completed at certain times of the day, and it quickly becomes an automatic function.
Getting your whole family involved is a great idea as it helps to make running your home a team effort.
Always start small and build up your routines slowly. It makes it easier for everyone involved if they don’t have to start with a massive list.
You can even have routines that start at different times of the day.
- A morning routine to get everyone out of the door on time.
- An evening routine after you’ve eaten your evening meal to get the house picked up and tidy.
- A personal routine to practice self-care
Use a tracking sheet to check off the items from your daily habits and routines.
Did You Know Meal Planning Reduces Stress?
Meal planning is essential if you don’t want to live off takeaways, or easy-to-throw-in-the-oven pre-made high-processed foods.
Take the time to prepare as much as possible the night before. You could even have different family members responsible for different parts of the meal.
The evening meal is a time when hunger turns into anger or shows in temper. Being prepared for your evening meal can help resolve these issues in your home.
It also means that you can have each family member pick their favorite meal. This helps to create a meal plan without much thought on your part.
Just remember to put the items you don’t have on your shopping list.
Check out this article for more information: What Is Meal Planning And Why Is It So Important?
Create A Cleaning Schedule For Your Family
A cleaning schedule is an essential part of any home that hopes to function and look good too.
Get everyone who lives at your home involved in the cleaning, it’s only fair! But, it also teaches your children how to take care of a home.
You can also be flexible, it’s your home, so you want it to work for you and your family.
Encouraging everyone to take part in the cleaning helps to show respect for the home.
Gone are the days when the wife was expected to do all the cleaning and looking after the home. It’s time for everyone who lives there to get involved.
Check out this article on how to create a cleaning schedule: How To Create A Cleaning Schedule That Works
Budgeting Your Money Helps Too
Creating a budget for your money is essential for reducing the stress in your home.
Money is the top worry for many people. Prices are going up, and knowing what you can and can’t afford helps you to manage your money better. You might be able to save some for later.
Knowing what is due helps to spread the cost of the bills and makes life easier.
You can create your own budgeting spreadsheet, or use a pen and a piece of paper. What works for you is all that matters.
Check out this budgeting article: It’s Easy To Make A Budget
Why These Home Management Tips Are Essential For Working Moms
Bringing all the information you need in one place. Is perhaps the most important step for making life easier as a working mom.
Have a folder like my home management binder, or, create a command center in your home. Either option will have a massive impact on how you run your home.
It gives the family a place where they need to go to find the information that relates to the home. The family schedule, and what’s for dinner are just two examples of the information they might be looking for.
You don’t have to do all the tasks yourself, delegate family members to do their share too.
Check Out More Resources For Home Management
With so many great articles and information on home management, I thought I would share a few more below:
- Just The Best Home Management Books For You
- 7 Home Management Topics You Need To Include In Your Plan
- 10 Simple And Easy Tips On Home Management
- 5 Home Management Systems For Moms To Help With Family Life
- What Are The Advantages Of Home Management
- The Best Home Management Tips That Are Actually Easy
- Home Management Tips & Tricks