Why People With Clean Houses Don’t Do These 16 Things
Are you struggling with keeping your home clean? Do you feel like you are fighting a losing battle? Do you wonder how are some people’s houses so clean that you can’t even remember the last time you cleaned?
Have you ever wondered what people with clean houses don’t do, it might help you see how to turn your cleaning around.
With a change in perspective, I thought this would help by looking at your struggles with cleaning from a different angle.
It might help you discover your why for cleaning things in and around your home. It will help you discover the reasons for cleaning the house and might even motivate you too.

It’s not about making people feel less than perfect. It’s about highlighting the differences so you can copy their lead and make your home look and feel cleaner so you can be proud of your clean home.
By following these 16 tips and ideas you will completely transform the way you tackle the cleaning in your home and it will make things easier and a lot less stressful.
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1) Never Have A Broken Vacuum
If you are looking for one thing to make sure it works then you need to look after your vacuum. It won’t continue to work if you aren’t taking the time to make sure that it’s in the best condition possible.
The machines that work for us, to clean our homes always need to be looked after too. This is why you will find it hard to find a person with a clean home who has a broken vacuum.
2) Always Have Cleaning Supplies On Hand
Cleaning supplies are essential if you want a clean home. Cleaning products need to be ready at a moment’s notice to clean and polish our homes.
This is why people with clean homes have supplies so they can grab and go and get cleaning without much thought about the process
3) Never Create A Cleaning Plan
If you are struggling with how to manage cleaning in your home, you need to make a change.
You need to have a cleaning plan, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but knowing what needs doing and when is important.
It can help to make cleaning easier than you ever realized.
4) Don’t Have A Daily Cleaning Routine
Having a daily routine for cleaning is really important. It allows you not to have to think about things that happen automatically.
Creating cleaning routines is the easiest way to get things cleaned around your home. It’s not about making your home spotless daily, it’s about maintaining a clean home.
5) Not Into Tidying Their Home
Cleaning and tidying are two very different things. Don’t mix cleaning up with tidying up. Tidying is about putting things away where they belong. Cleaning is making sure things in your home are clean.
Having tidy houses makes so much difference when it comes to cleaning because there isn’t the clutter to deal with first, you can just get on with the cleaning.
6) Don’t Make Time For Cleaning
You have to make time to clean, it’s not going to remind you that you need to take action. So, by making the time you are jumping in and getting tasks done and not putting them off.
7) Family Don’t Help Clean
Having family members to help you clean is essential. If they live there then they too must clean.
Having a cleaning chart so everyone knows what they are responsible for is important for cleaning to happen.
8) They Don’t Make Excuses And Not Clean
Yes, cleaning isn’t always the most fun you are going to have during the day. But it’s something that must be done, even if it’s just the dishes.
Making excuses not to take action is going to make the tasks for the following day more difficult.
Cleaning isn’t hard unless you make it hard. If we keep things clean then it makes it easier to keep them that way.
9) Not Cleaning As You Go About Your Day
If you use something, cleaning it as you go can save a ton of time. These little cleaning actions are what make the difference between clean and company ready.
10) Know How To Clean
Cleaning is something that isn’t taught in schools, some people are never shown what they need to do.
So, learning how to clean something is important. You can research the best ways to clean an item but please be aware that there are some dangerous suggestions that can potentially cause you harm. Make sure to check with reputable cleaning practices.
11) Wait Long Periods Between Cleans
People with clean homes don’t wait long periods from one cleaning session to the next. They might even clean automatically as they are doing a task or after they have finished using it. Long and extended periods without cleaning will require more time to get back to a good standard.
12) Don’t Look For Things To Clean
You will be surprised how often I can walk around my home, looking to see if there are items that need cleaning.
You have to check regularly to see if there are areas that need more cleaning or have been completely missed by the person responsible for their cleaning.
13) Panic About Cleaning
Don’t ever panic about your cleaning, the more you worry the harder and longer cleaning seems to take. Have your plan, follow your plan, and your home will look and feel clean all the time.
There are some people who have learned the art of cleaning without it looking like a massive all-day task and it is possible to learn those tips and apply them to your home too.
14) Complain About Their Cleaning
It’s a task that needs doing, instead of complaining, just get up and do the cleaning. You will feel so much better that you took action and did something that you needed to do.
15) Clean All Day Long
You don’t need to be cleaning all day to have a clean home. Just make sure that the tasks are getting done when you have planned to do them and then take the time to enjoy your home.
The most important thing we can do for our families is to make sure all their needs are met.
This means that we need to live in a clean environment that isn’t detrimental to our health and our well-being.
If our homes are dirty then we are putting the health and well-being of ourselves and our family at risk.
What if we live with someone who doesn’t clean and doesn’t want to clean? This is a difficult question to answer and it depends on your circumstances, read the article linked above to help you work this out.
Related article: Is Living With Someone Who Doesn’t Clean Frustrating?
16) Complain About How Clean Their Homes Are
Don’t feel that you are alone and the worst person at cleaning, it’s not a competition you just need to make your home feel comfortable for you.
There are so many reasons you might struggle to clean your home and that’s OK, if it were easy then there wouldn’t be any need to help people clean.
That’s just not the case, there are so many reasons why you struggle, it could be a health issue or something you are born with.
My daughter struggles with cleaning because of her dyspraxia/dyslexia she has trouble with getting things done, and she doesn’t always notice the problem either.
Don’t feel that you have to have the perfect home, it has to be right for you and your family.
Related article: How To Clean A Messy House?
How Can We Make Things Easier
I’m all for the easy route, I’m easily distracted and that means if they take too long to complete chances of me completing the task are slim.
That’s why I like to do things as I go through the day it means I actually complete tasks as I go.
Changing How We Think About Cleaning
The most simple thing you can do to help have a clean house is to create simple routines so that you do the cleaning automatically and without thinking about it.
Make sure you have homes for everything and you put things away when you have finished with them.
That way it keeps your home tidy and cleaning a tidy house is easier than a messy house.
The final tip must be to clean as you go along. This reduces the amount of cleaning you need to do in one big sweep.
By looking at what people with clean homes don’t do, we can start to make choices that reflect positively on cleaning our homes.
But most importantly keep your home clean to a standard that you are happy with.
More Ideas On Improving How You Clean
The one thing I know the more information I have can help motivate me and get me excited for a task.
It’s not about creating a spotless home, but a place where you are comfortable inviting people in and not feeling embarrassed about what they think.
Check out these articles on different ways to motivate you to clean and even change your views on how people clean and how you want to clean your home.
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Manny thanks for all the inspiration. Had got myself into an utter mess. Due to death of husband, depression, family stuff and illness. Your site,the emails and ideas have really helped. Yesterday I got rid of all the cobwebs in the kitchen and wiped down a cupboard. Small but important steps, long way to go but instead of complete apathy and not caring there is now a way forward.Today’s plan is another cupboard and wipe down and clear one of the sides. Will post a picture when kitchen is useable again. Small steps and one day at a time, thank you
I’m glad the site and the emails help you! I can’t wait to see a picture of what you have done! You’ve got this, one day at a time! ?
Greetings! It was an amazing post. I loved your thoughts. It was really motivating. Thanks for sharing.