10 Dirtiest Areas In Your Kitchen
Keeping your home clean is not always easy with busy lives and having families; it is difficult to find the time to clean. You might change your priorities when you realise which areas in your kitchen need the most attention. It is important that you clean your kitchen regularly; unfortunately, there are areas that can harbour more germs than you might realise and you could be putting the health of your family at risk if you are unaware of the dirtiest areas lurking in your kitchen.
The Top 10 Dirtiest Areas Are
- The dishcloth or sponge: this is one of the most germ-ridden item in your kitchen; sometimes they can harbour more germs than your toilet seat. It is important that you clean these daily, if they are sponges, they are great to put in your microwave on high for a minute. I like to soak mine in the sink every night in a bleach solution.
- The sink: can harbour germs around the plughole and if germs get washed off items those germs can cling to the sink and grow. You must keep this area clean, I empty my bleach solution into the sink each morning and let it sit for a few minutes, this way I know my sink is clean and germ free.
- Hands: are one of the worst culprits for spreading germs, it is important to wash your hands regularly when doing any jobs around the kitchen. This prevents the spread to other areas, which can quickly end up in food and causing your family to be unwell. I have spent my life ensuring that they are clean and sometimes it felt like I repeated myself daily reminding my children but I have a thing about dirty hands.
- Coffee machines: are surprisingly, a breeding ground for germs, often there used and the coffee filter goes unchanged, leading to a germ growth. Even if you are careful, some bacteria can end up in the pipes of the coffee machine and can affect the flavour of the coffee.I didn’t expect a coffee machine to come in the list of dirtiest areas.
- Your handbag and shopping bags: can cause problems with germs in your kitchen; do you dump them on the worktop? The bottom of a bag can have a multitude of germs just waiting to spread. By leaving bags on the worktop means, you are spreading these germs. If you put your bags in different places then make sure they go on the floor and not on your work tops making the spread of germs reduced.
- The handles of cupboards and doors: are full of germs and it is important that you tackle these areas daily. They can quickly become sticky and covered in germs, wiping them with a damp cloth can remove the germs quickly and easily.
- Your kitchen bin: can harbour loads of germs and it is important to not only empty it regularly, but to ensure that you wipe it over with some kitchen cleaning product, to make sure that there is no place for any germs to hide.
- Countertops: get abused in a number of different ways and all can add to the germs that get placed onto the surface. All of which can lead to a serious illness; it is important that you wipe down your countertops regularly, especially before you use them.
- Your microwave: is great at cleaning certain items in the kitchen, but don’t forget to keep on top of the cleaning of the microwave. There are often food splats inside the microwave that happen as you cook. They can quickly grow spreading germs and illness.
- Your fridge: harbours loads of potential dangerous germs that can leak into your food and make you and your family poorly.
Keeping on top of the cleaning inside and out is important in ensuring that you don’t have the 10 dirtiest areas in your kitchen and you are working hard to keep your kitchen and your home as clean as possible.
Wow, I never even thought of putting the bags on the counter, that the counter would then be dirty. But it sure makes sense!
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