Top 10 Simple And Easy Decluttering Tips To Try Today
Are you looking for ideas to help you declutter your home? Removing things from our homes can be difficult because we have brought these items or been given them.
So, I have pulled together these top 10 easy decluttering tips to try to help you get rid of the clutter in your home.
Having clutter in our homes takes more work than if your home was clutter-free. Check out these ideas to declutter your home and make it a place you love.
Clutter means more things to keep clean and tidy, this takes more resources from you including your time. Reducing the things in your home to just items you want and need in your home is going to make a difference in how you feel.
More time to do the things you want rather than managing a home with too much stuff.
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1) Do You Even Like It?
If you don’t like something why is it in your home? When it comes to decluttering we know we have too much stuff, that’s the reason you are decluttering.
So, when you are looking at these items you have to make decisions as to what you keep and what goes.
If you don’t even like the object having it in your home seems like the best place to start decluttering.
2) Is It Broken Or Damaged?
If something is broken or damaged you don’t need it in your home. Don’t think that you can repair it, just do what you know is right and get rid of it.
Broken toys are an example of getting rid of them for safety reasons you don’t want your children to get hurt playing with something that is broken.
You don’t have to bin everything that is broken, you can look at selling them for spares. At least you might make some money on the product.
3) Do You Even Want It?
If you don’t want something why is it even in your home? I know that relatives can pass on items, but the thing is you can say no.
If you don’t want something, saying no before it gets into your home is easier than saying you got rid of an item later.
Things you don’t want need to go now.
4) Do You Actually Need It?
This is a question that I struggle with, what if I need it later? If it’s not something you have any use for then it needs to go.
If you need the item 10 years down the road, chances are they have improved and you can just get a new one then.
It’s not a waste of money to get rid of things you don’t need.
With families merging, sometimes duplicate items will happen. Choose the best one and get rid of the rest, you don’t need to store more in your home than you actually need.
5) When Did You Last Use It?
This doesn’t apply to ornaments but to everything else in your home. If you haven’t used something in over a year why are you still keeping hold of it?
We do tend to hold on to things that we don’t need. It then becomes clutter in our homes.
As time passes, your needs will change and what you have in your home will change too. So, as your needs change remove items that are no longer what you need in your life and home.
6) Could You Sell The Clutter?
Just because you don’t need or want an item doesn’t mean that someone else won’t want the item. Selling the things that you don’t need is a great way to bring in some extra money, but also it helps other people as they are getting items for less than they cost new.
You are also helping to reduce the amount of products people need to buy new. You are doing your bit for the environment by reducing the amount of clutter that ends up in landfills all over the world.
7) What Purpose Does It Have In Your Home?
If you can’t think of a purpose an item has in your home then it needs to go. Everything in your home must have a purpose.
It must do something for you:
- It could give you pleasure to look at it
- Practical, it might help you in your home
- Items to help you live your life
- To give you comfort
If an item isn’t doing anything for you or your home why do you need it?
8) Decluttering Tip: Check The Dates
When it comes to food, there is a date that you really need to eat it by. There is a reason for this, it’s to ensure that the food item is good enough to eat.
Often we keep things in the back of the fridge or pantry with every intention of eating before the expiry date. But sometimes we don’t get to it and if this is the case you need to get rid of these items.
Don’t give away outdated food. In the future, if something isn’t going to get eaten give it to a food bank before it goes out of date.
9) Don’t Treat Your Home Like A Storage Unit
Your home isn’t a storage unit, you don’t need to fill it to the rafters. The more space you have in your home the easier it’s going to be to keep looking clean and tidy.
There is nothing wrong with having cupboards with an empty drawer, or a kitchen cabinet that isn’t overflowing.
Sometimes less is actually more, you will have more time to enjoy your home.
Less stuff in your home will mean that you don’t need to spend long decluttering, but you will need to take action to ensure that items aren’t building up.
10) Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need
We have access to a lot of credit where you can buy things and pay for them later or over a certain period of time.
Whilst this might look like a great deal, in fact, you could just be filling up your home with stuff that you don’t really need.
Just because someone else has the exact thing and it looks amazing in their home. You’ve seen the pictures on Instagram, but it doesn’t mean that you have to have the same items in your home.
Buying stuff you don’t need is a waste of money and all it’s doing is cluttering up your home with things.
More Tips And Ideas On Decluttering Your Home
There are so many more ideas that can help you when you are decluttering your home, here are a few articles to read.
- 25 Things To Declutter Before Summer Ends
- Declutter Your Home In 14 Days Course Review
- Where To Start Decluttering: 3-Day Free Kickstart To Your Decluttering
- 20 Things To Declutter This Winter
- 12 Ways To Declutter Your Life
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Great tips! In my spring cleaning I always look for the items that I haven’t touched since the last spring cleaning. If I’ve gone through all the seasons without needing it, I don’t need it! Thank you for linking up with Tell It To Me Tuesday, I hope to see you again this week!
This was a post I needed to read. My decluttering process has started, and it is a bit overwhelming. I’m not even sure how I have saved so much of the kids’ toys and things. My goal is to set aside 15 min. per day and just start room to room.
I’m so glad you found the article helpful! 15 minutes per day is a great goal to go for.