Why I Want My Home To Smell Fresh And Clean
I love my home to smell fresh and clean, so I jumped at the chance to partner with Landon Tyler and their first direct to the public collection of candles and diffusers.
I have a thing for smells in the home, but when you have 3 dogs, there is potential for a bit of a doggy smell, no matter how hard I try!

I want my home to smell fresh and clean, but I am not averse to having scented candles or diffusers strategically placed around my home to help combat everyday smells.
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Dogs And Homes Don’t Always Mix
I love my dogs, they are my world. However, I don’t want my home to have that musty damp dog smell lingering anywhere in my home!
I try not to mask any smell, I would rather deal with the issue than hide the issue behind a nice perfumed smell.
That means tackling the dog beds regularly, I vacuum them weekly, I have to use the attachments and I sometimes need help to hold while the other person gets as much dog hair off the bedding as possible.
Their cages, yes I use cages and my dogs are fine, but I like to scrub out the plastic trays weekly, more if there is an accident!
I move the cages and vacuum under and around them each time I vacuum, this prevents a build-up of dog hair. I have 2 very heavy shedders and it is noticeable if this isn’t done!
Other Options To Reducing Doggy Smell
I know that there are products on the market that you can get that you can put on the carpet to remove smells. I like to use bicarbonate of soda, I sprinkle it on the carpet and leave it for about half an hour before vacuuming up.
Keeping your dog’s clean reduces their potential to smell, if you don’t like the mess or the hassle doing it yourself it is possible to call in the professionals who will do it for you!
If you can, opening the windows in your home and letting an air flow helps to reduce that smell too! But it isn’t always possible to have windows open all year where I live so I need other options too.
My Home To Smell Clean And Fresh
I am relatively new to diffusers, it has to be a subtle smell, and my hubby’s affected if there is a strong perfumed smell. It affects his allergies and if they are too powerful they can actually give him a migraine.
So, for me finding products that I am happy to use around my home without them causing more problems, is a bonus!
Some of the less than powerful options available are either too expensive or they are just not worth the money!
I want value for money, and I’ve been assured the diffuser will last me 3 months, I am waiting to prove this theory is correct! I love the smell of the ‘winter woods’ fragrance that I am currently using!
Walking Into My Home To Smell Fresh And Clean
For me the most important time that I notice smells is when I walk in the front door. If there is a smell I’m determined to find the cause quickly!
Sometimes, if you have cooked there is a residual smell; I do have an extractor on in the kitchen after meal times and this helps but sometimes even this isn’t powerful enough to knock out all the smells.
This is the time when I use scented candles around my home, there is little I can do but to wait out the smell!
The Kitchen Bin
I try to keep the kitchen bin emptied, but sometimes it is possible to notice a bad odour coming from the bin.
It is important to remove the bin bag as soon as possible but this doesn’t always mean the smell goes too!
I always wipe out my bin with my white vinegar and water solution to ensure that it is clean. The white vinegar fights any germs and combats the smells too!
The Bathroom: I Want My Home To Smell Fresh And Clean
If you are looking for all possible smells in your home, don’t forget the bathroom.
It has the potential to smell, so ensuring you keep on top of keeping your toilet clean and fresh smelling you are on the right track!
I do hide a deodorizing freshener in the bathroom, I don’t like it on display but it does help to keep that room as fresh as possible!
What is your best tip for keeping your home smelling fresh and clean? Comment below!
Therefore, if you are looking for ways to keep your home smelling clean and fresh you need to tackle some of the potential problem areas in your home.
Don’t be afraid to walk around your home looking for the offending smell, sometimes it might surprise you as to where the smell is coming from.
Once you have located the source, then you have to work out your best option for banishing that smell once and for all!