Top Tips For Pre-Christmas Cleaning
When it comes to the holiday season getting your home clean can be tough and a lot of hard work. Check out these Pre-Christmas Cleaning tips to help make this holiday season a lot less stressful.
These Christmas cleaning tips will help get your home straight and give you the time you need to actually enjoy the holiday season with your family.

The idea is to create a plan to get all the cleaning tasks complete before the holiday season is in full swing and allow you to relax and have fun too.
Planning To Do Your Cleaning
When it comes to any sort of cleaning you need to have a plan, so you know what you are doing and when it needs doing too.
This is the bases of any cleaning schedule, you need to have a plan. Knowing what needs cleaning and when this means you clean all areas of your home and do not miss any areas.
So, if you plan your Christmas cleaning and get it on your schedule it makes it easier to get everything done that you need to do.
Writing it down will also allow you to see if you have been realistic with the time you have and the tasks you want to be done. If you can’t fit it all in, cut back on what you want to get done, or get more help from family.
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Top Tips For A Pre-Christmas Clean
As I have said planning is important as it will give you an idea of the time you have and the tasks you want to do.
Check that you have all the supplies that you need for the cleaning tasks you intend to do. If you are doing an oven deep clean, for example, have you got the oven cleaner you normally use?
If you want to do a deep clean, have you thought of childcare? Maybe get grandparents involved in taking out the grandchildren to give you time to do the things you need to do.
The most important step is to give yourself grace and not expect you to work a miracle with the time you have and the tasks you would like to get done.
Deep Clean Guest Bedroom
If you are having guests to stay this holiday season it’s a great idea to deep clean the guest bedroom.
Start at the top of the room and work down, so start with the light, does it need to be cleaned? Are there any cobwebs around the ceiling of the room, you need a high-reach duster to make this job easier.
Next, think about cleaning the flat surfaces tables, units anything that dust can land on, don’t forget to clean any display items you have in the room too. The Ecoth duster is great for picking up dust without using any products.
Vacuum the floor and make sure you get under the bed, you don’t want any dust bunnies to be hiding under there.
Have a room spray that can make the room smell clean and inviting too.
You Want Your Guests To Feel Comfortable
Why deep clean their bedroom, they aren’t staying forever.
You want to show your guests that you think they are special and making an effort in the room they are sleeping will show that you care about their comfort too.
Also, a great suggestion is to share your WIFI password, this means they aren’t going to be using data when staying with you, this WIFI sign is just a QR-code made especially for your password.
Even creating a little basket with some items that they might enjoy whilst staying with you. Towels are always a great option, so too are a few snacks for them to eat and even a book or two to read whilst staying with you.
Wash Guest Bedding
There is nothing better than getting into a bed with fresh linen on. If you haven’t changed the bedding in a while in your guest bedroom now is the time to get it done.
Make sure you are considerate of people with sensitive skin, asking your guest prior to their arrival if they have sensitive skin. If they do they might suggest an alternative laundry detergent combination that is suitable for their allergies.
Choosing a soft and gentle laundry detergent will ensure that your guests won’t get irritated skin.
If you need to save time at least spray the bedding with a fabric refresher and air out the bed the day before to ensure that it looks and smells good for your guests to use.
Don’t Forget To Clean The Oven
If you are going to be using your oven to cook meals and you don’t want to feel ashamed about how it looks then you are going to need to do an oven clean.
If you don’t want to clean it, you could hire a professional company to do it for you, so make sure you book this in plenty of time.
Oven cleaning doesn’t have to be difficult or a long and boring process.
The products that you can get are amazing and they work, I love the oven cleaners that are easy to use and work, like the Astonish Oven & Cookware Cleaner.
You can even get amazing oven cleaners that don’t smell. Make sure to read and follow the instructions on the oven cleaning product of your choice.
Deep Clean Entryway For First Impressions
The first place your guests are going to see is your entryway, make sure this is clean and inviting.
There is nothing worse than walking into a home where the first impressions make you want to turn around and not enter the home.
Don’t let this be your home, take the time to make your entryway look clean and inviting.
Try to remove some of the coats and shoes if they are on display, and make sure there’s room to hang up your guest’s coat and a place to put their shoes, like a shoe cupboard.
First impressions are made in those first few moments someone has when walking in the door, you don’t have to go overboard and have your family all lined up dressed in their Sunday best unless you want to of course.
Make your home seem inviting, and welcoming to your guests.
Simple Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Having a clean bathroom means that you won’t feel embarrassed when an unexpected guest pops around and asks to use your bathroom.
So get your bathroom clean and presentable, and have a daily cleaning schedule for your bathroom so you know that it’s clean and ready for whoever turns up at your door.
Ask family members to pick up after themselves when they use this space, it doesn’t hurt for other family members to clean after they too have used the bathroom.
Have a space for everything in the bathroom and get into the habit of putting things away when you have finished with them.
Simply Dust Every Room
Dust seems to get everywhere and it doesn’t matter who you are you will need to dust to keep the dust bunnies at bay.
I love the Ecloth dusters, they collect the dust and don’t just spread it around.
The more you dust the less dust can accumulate and for this reason, I suggest dusting more.
If you dust more frequently you are going to be in the position of knocking out the dusting of your home in no time at all.
So, while it seems odd, the more you dust the quicker the process, and you will spend less time dusting than if you do it weekly or monthly.
Don’t Forget To Vacuum Your Whole House
Keep your home vacuumed, but a good touch is to run your vacuum around your home before your guests arrive.
For me, a dirty floor means the whole house needs cleaning and this isn’t true, but it’s just how my brain works.
So, if I walk in and see clean floors I often miss other areas that might offend other people.
If you haven’t heard the current trend is carpet lines left in your carpet, I think they look amazing, but I don’t have time to do them.
The choice is yours as it’s your home!
Resources To Help You Get Your Home Ready
Getting your home ready for the holidays doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some resources to help you: