The Best Bank For Your Money
It is vital that you find the best bank for your money; you want to have a service that is the best. You want your bank to offer competitive rates, which must suit all your needs.
Unfortunately, there is no perfect bank, what one-customer experiences isn’t always the same as the next. This is important when considering the bank or building society where you end up putting your money. You need to find a bank or building society that you are comfortable using.
However, with the introduction of the seven-day moving between banks, has given the customers back the choice that was lacking when moving banks was not an easy option to consider at all.
Finding the best bank
You can take a number of approaches as to finding the best bank that meets your needs. You can walk into all the banks in your area and settle on the one where you feel comfortable and feel welcome. In the current climate there is little difference between some of the main banking institutes and the rates they offer.
You might choose to do your research on-line as to finding the right bank for you. However, be cautious about the customer feedback, sometimes this isn’t going to be the same experience that you might receive.
For me the top reasons that I look for are:
- Ease of access and opening hours
- Customer service
- Offer the right products
- On-line banking facilities
The best bank on-line
This area is one that all banks and building societies are taking seriously. I am a bit OCD with my money, I check my accounts each day, and I want them to balance to the penny. For me this means having a great and reliable system that I can use to check my accounts on-line. I don’t want to be faced with a situation where I can’t have the access that I require, so this is why an on-line banking facility is vital for me.
If I am looking for a new bank this is one area that I want a full demonstration of before I would sign any deal.
The best interest rate
Unfortunately, with the current economic climate and the base rate being at such a low rate for a long period, this has had a serious effect on the amount of interest that any company is offering.
This is why that it is vital that you are getting the best value for your money. You need to ensure that it is working as hard as it possibly can in the current climate. Staying loyal to a bank because they have offered you reasonable service in the past is not an option that you should be considering now. Finding the best bank for your money is going to be your top concern; if this means that you need to spread your money into different banks, your ISA might not be in the same bank as your current account. Alternatively, you might choose to move your current account because a different bank is offering a great ISA deal if you have a current account with that institute. Finding the right balance for you and the best deal for your money is vital, but be cautious, if you are applying for any credit like an overdraft; this will appear on your credit file and will have a negative impact on your current score.
Therefore, finding the best bank for your money is not going to be easy, it might take some fine-tuning. Just don’t be scared to make that move if you are not getting the service that you require.