Your Holiday Countdown
Your holiday countdown has begun, there are only a few weeks left before Christmas, but as always there is a lot to do and a lot to get prepared. Rushing around won’t do anything for your stress levels and it can even make you rush decisions, which you later regret, including overspending, forgetting items or agreeing to attend a party or a function that you really have no time for or money to buy more clothes. This is why it is so important that you prepare for your holiday countdown. This will ensure that as much as possible, your Christmas will be less stressful and giving you more time to enjoy those special moments.
Stop And Prepare Your Holiday Countdown
It is important that you stop and prepare. This way you will ensure that, all the tasks and jobs which you need to do before the big event get completed. By writing down your list or add them to a diary online or on paper, whatever works best for you, can improve your chances of having a stress free Christmas and holiday season.
If you still have cards or parcels to post, write down a day to post these before the cut-off point. Plan this into one of your days so not to forget; if you have a tendency to forget things even if there noted down, write it in twice, if you manage it on the first day you can cross it off the chores the next time it pops up in your to do list. However, if you know you have skipped it once already, it is not something to miss the second time it appears.
If you and your family have parties to attend, do you have all the party clothes you need? What about any presents you need to take with you, do you have these organized too?
Don’t forget the hand delivering of those cards and presents you want to give to friends and family or that cooking you can do ahead of time.
Create To Do Lists
Writing a list is a great way to ensure no job is incomplete and whoever is doing the task, is aware of what they need to do. It can enable you to break down the jobs that you need to get completed into smaller manageable chunks and not only can this save time, it can actually mean the tasks completed because it isn’t as difficult as you might have imagined.
Note Dates On Your Calendar So You Don’t Forget
Bring together all the information that you need to remember and make sure you plan this into your day, so you don’t miss an important event or date.
I like to keep my ‘to do’ list in my diary and as this is my go to place all day when I am working, Im assured that I will not miss a thing. I do keep a calendar in the kitchen just with appointments on, just so everyone else knows what is coming and to ensure if they see an event they ask before booking something. That way we know we are not double booked on any event or party. Luckily as the children age, there is less of their itinerary to worry about.
Therefore, to reduce the stress it is important that you prepare for the holiday countdown. Create a list of the tasks you need to do and the people who need to do them. Break down large tasks into smaller manageable chunks.