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  1. I find it hard with a number of the deals online as well. It is easier to be disconnected when you don’t physically have the item in your hand. One thing I do is only buy needed items on Black Friday. My printer started showing signs of giving up about 2 months ago. I kept deleting and re-intalling the drivers to trick my computer into thinking it works to limp it along to a sale. I bought a printer yesterday online for 50% of what it would be normally.

    I do agree about putting aside for the big items that go on sale on Black Friday. So much of BF is being smart with your finances, just like the rest of the year.

    (visiting from the Frugal Friday link-up)

  2. Thanks for visiting Julie, it is so important saving for those items, it makes the money go further!

  3. We usually round up when doing the budget but pay the correct amount – that way at the end of the month there is a few extra dollars there. Our account at the credit union does earn a bit each month too in interest. Every couple months we would transfer those extra dollars over to the savings account. Really a few dollars a month can make a difference!

  4. Thanks for visiting a giving a great tip!

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