How To Deep Clean Your Bathroom Floor
Keeping your home clean is important for you and your family but sometimes we need guidance on doing some of these tasks. This is why I wanted to explain in detail how to deep clean your bathroom floor and the different options you might need to consider.
As with any cleaning, deep cleaning bathrooms isn’t something you have to do on a daily basis. I think there are a couple of reasons why deep cleaning daily is expected, public toilets for one, should be deep cleaned every single day.
So, let’s look deeper into how to clean the floor and the tools you might need when tackling the task.
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Why Deep Clean Bathroom Floor
If we are only ever cleaning the middle of the floor and not paying attention to the whole room then the room isn’t going to look clean after a while.
Dust and debris will find their way to the corners where you don’t clean and this can lead to insects setting up home.
Getting your bathroom floor deep cleaned is also going to make you check the different areas of your bathroom and it’s a good time to check for damage, any leaks, and to make sure there is no mold growing in the hard-to-reach spots near the floor.
Why There Are Different Options
There is never one product or tool that is suitable for all floor types.
There are so many different types of flooring and we need to make sure we are following the rules of the products that are on the floor when it comes to cleaning.
Some floor types don’t like any form of steam, some bathrooms have carpet and that isn’t going to allow a good mop of the floors at all.
So, make sure you know what products you can use on your floors in your bathroom and stick with those.
What Prep Work You Need To Do
There is always prep work and this can make cleaning easier.
Remove all movable things from the floor, obviously if it’s heavy don’t move it on your own.
This allows you to see the whole floor and assess what you need to do. I always use this opportunity to look for any leaks, I can see the areas and if there is dust water is easier to spot.
Check for mold, if you see any take the time to clean it first with a mixture of tea tree oil and water.
Don’t breathe in any of the mold spores, wear a face mask to prevent this.
Finding Mold When Cleaning
If you notice any form of mold you need to take action.
Mold isn’t good for the health of you or your family. It is a sign to take action now.
There are different options for you when it comes to cleaning up mold.
You can buy bleach-based molds and these bleach out the color of the mold and can kill it, but not to the tips of the roots. It will come back again.
Using something that is going to kill it to the very tips of its roots and prevent it from coming back is your best option.
- Tea tree oil is my most used product for mold, it’s natural and it doesn’t smell bad
- Hydrogen peroxide is another great mold-killing product, it’s not as easy to get though, I have to order it through Amazon to get mine.
Eradicate the mold first, then deep clean your floors, this will ensure that you have picked up any potential mold spores that might have escaped the cleaning process.
The Tools Needed For Deep Cleaning
With the different options for flooring, there are a number of different products that you might need but you won’t need all of them for your deep clean.
Pick and choose the right products for the flooring you have in your bathroom.
Deep Cleaning The Floor
Always start around the edge of the room, I have vinyl flooring and dust collects in these areas, I prefer to use a brush first to get any dust out into the middle of the room.
Vacuum the room, it saves me from picking up the dust from sweeping and emptying the dustpan. I open the window before mopping to help dry the floor.
I then use my mop and bucket to wash my floors and baseboards.
Remember to rinse the dirt off your mop as you go. I start by going around the edge of the room and then mop the furthest away from the door and mop myself out of the room.
If you have carpet flooring all you are going to be able to do is to vacuum, but remember to get deep into the corners.
It’s not always easy to get into the corners with a steam mop, so make sure you pay the edges of the room plenty of attention.
How Often Do You Deep Clean Bathroom Floor
Deep cleaning doesn’t need to be done daily, unless as I mentioned before there is a good reason to.
Weekly would be the maximum for a deep cleaning process, especially if you don’t have many people in your home using the bathroom.
If you are keeping the middle areas of the floor clean, and the edges aren’t getting too much build-up then the most I would leave between deep cleaning is a month.
More Resources For Bathroom Cleaning
There are so many different types of bathrooms that it is important that you have the information you need to help keep your bathroom clean.
Here are some more resources that you might find useful.