Want The Best Night Time Routine And Learn How To Create It?
Are you fed up waking up in the morning to a mess all because you don’t have a nightly routine that helps to set you and your home ready for the next day?
Let me show you how to create the best night time routine that will transform how you feel and how your home is ready for the next day.
A routine is just a set of tasks that you do at set times of the day and it helps you to do things automatically and without thinking. It’s a way to tackle the everyday stuff on autopilot and reduce the stress in your day.
I was gifted a weighted blanket by Mela Comfort but all opinions are 100% my own.
Why Create A Bedtime Routine
The idea for creating night time routines is to set your home up for the next day but to also give you the time to do something for you.
If you do this every night your family will notice and they will learn to respect the time that you take for yourself each and every day.
Breaking Down The Concept Of Routines
The idea behind creating routines and habits is so you can tackle tasks each day to keep on top of the things you need to do in your home.
The more you can put these tasks on autopilot the easier it is to remember to get them done.
But, more importantly it will become part of your day and these tasks will just happen. It reduces the stress that you can feel and it can help you accomplish more than you might imagine.
If you have to stand there and work out what needs doing and when then it takes up precious time that could be spent doing the actual task. By having a list of things you do and the order in which you do them will save you time as you will just dive straight into the task in hand.
Why You Need A Night Time Routine
When it comes to the night time, having a routine that you follow will allow you to get the basics done around your home allowing you to reset your home and give yourself the time to perform some self care before going to bed.
By doing the routine every night it allows you the same process that you might have with your children. I always had a bedtime routine that we followed most of the time so they would know when it was time to slow down allowing them to fall asleep at a reasonable time rather than when they collapsed from exhaustion.
By having this routine yourself can aid in that unwinding process and help falling asleep easier.
Tasks To Include In Your Routine
It’s important to think about what you need to do in order to ensure that tomorrow is going to start off with a clean palette.
So, let’s think about the things we can do the night before to enable us to have a better and easier morning.
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Suggested items:
- Washing all the dishes
- Wiping the counter tops in the kitchen
- Pick up the family room, this really is just straightening up the room ready for a new day
- Putting out any rubbish
- Making sure the family is set for the night
- Check what’s on the to – do list for tomorrow
- Self care
What I Use To Unwind
Not only do I reset my home but I like to rest myself ready for the next day too.
One of the areas that I’ve been surprised about is the habit I’m building of spending 5 – 10 minutes in the evening with my weighted blanket.
It’s surprising how it makes you feel when you sit or lay under a weighted blanket. It’s like giving your body a hug and it does feel amazing.
When the weather is cooler I am planning on having the weighted blanket on the bed all the time so I can feel the pressure all night.
I currently don’t do this at the moment because I find it too hot for extended periods of time. But, I am planning on getting the eucalyptus silk cover before next summer as I think this will make a lot of difference.
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Self Care Routine Ideas
You really don’t need to spend hours on your self care part of your evening routine, but each day you pay yourself back by giving yourself that time the better you will feel.
Some ideas to try:
- Taking a shower
- Applying a face mask
- Giving yourself a pedicure
- Giving yourself a manicure
- Taking the time to moisturise your body after a shower
- 5 minutes meditation
- Reading a book
- Relaxing under a weighted blanket
Why You Need A Plan
If you have ever wondered why you need a plan to follow then this might help you understand the principles behind the concept of creating habits and routines to follow and creating your own night time routine.
All you are doing with your routine is creating a plan to follow, you might in the beginning need a list to remind you of the tasks but the more you do it the easier it becomes.
Having a plan, especially in the beginning, will help to remind you of what you need to do. This helps to form the routine into your evening so that you start to tackle those items automatically.
When Should I Start My Night time Routine?
I think this is a personal choice but we have routines that we do after our evening meal so it’s just a couple of cups to wash before bed.
I start my evening routine around 10pm, it takes maybe an hour but that includes my self care too.
Why You Need To Relax
You actually need to give yourself the time to reflect on the day you’ve just had and the day that you want tomorrow.
It gives you time to process everything and a chance to think about what’s coming up.
It’s like pressing the reset button, you reflect on what’s gone well and you think about the positive changes you can make for tomorrow.
The reset is the time you are asleep, when you are processing the day and working on improving for tomorrow.
Have You Checked Your To-Do List For Tomorrow?
One of the most important parts of your night time routine must be checking what you have planned for tomorrow. It allows you to think about it, make sure you are prepared and ready for the day to start.
If you don’t know what’s happening tomorrow you can’t be prepared and ready.
Let’s Recap…
Why do you need to create a night time routine?
To help you reset your home for the next day and to relax and unwind from the current day.
Following a routine will allow you to do the tasks that you want to do so eventually it becomes an automatic process.
Self care is an important part of this routine and it’s not something you should overlook.
Even spending 10 minutes wrapped in a weighted blanket will be an amazing part of your night time routine.