When To Start Your Fall Cleaning
So many people ask when to start your fall cleaning and why we need to do it that I thought why not write an article about when you need to start your fall cleaning?
But it’s not just that, also people want to know what fall cleaning tasks they should be doing too!
It seems so strange to so many people;e that they are unsure about deep cleaning in the fall but are so sure of the tasks if I mentioned spring cleaning.
The idea of fall cleaning is just the same as spring cleaning, you are giving your home a deep clean.

But when should you start your fall cleaning will depend on a lot of different factors in your life.
But typically it’s the beginning of September that you need to start deep cleaning all those areas of your home.
When To Start Your Fall Deep Cleaning
I like to start mine in September, this was always the case as the children in UK schools go back after the summer at the beginning of September, so it made perfect sense to start then.
I used to know some moms who would completely redecorate their homes as well as deep clean.
Often, this was a way to freshen up the home ready for the new season starting.
I’m not that good, but a deep clean when the house was empty of children did feel so good.
It’s a way to assess your home before the holiday season begins.
It also helps that you are not rushing to get your home deep cleaned before the holidays as well as doing all the other activities that you need to do.
Check out this article: 20 Things People With Clean Homes Do Daily
Why Start Fall Cleaning In September?
Even if your children go back to school before September holding off until September will ensure that the weather is slightly cooler for most people.
Deep cleaning is hard work and you don’t want to do too much of this when the weather is too warm unless you are used to doing hard work in hot weather.
You will need to make a plan of the tasks that you need to do, get these into your planner, this is easily done during the summer months so you are prepared to jump straight into the deep cleaning when it appears on your to-do list.
How To Plan Your Fall Cleaning
This is the easiest thing you will need to do when it comes to fall cleaning. It’s literally the same as your spring clean, but with a different name.
It really is that simple, so dig out your spring cleaning checklist and start writing the tasks that you need to do in your planner starting in September.
It’s about creating a checklist of the tasks you want to do:
- Deep clean all bedrooms
- Deep clean bathroom
- Don’t forget to deep clean your kitchen
- Deep clean family room
- Oven cleaning is of course there
- Home office deep clean
Remember to give yourself enough time to do the tasks. If you did your spring cleaning these areas aren’t going to be as bad.
Supplies For Your Fall Cleaning
What supplies might you need to get your home clean this fall?
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Check out this list of ideas:
Is Fall Cleaning A thing?
Fall cleaning isn’t as popular as spring cleaning, but the more you deep clean your home the quicker it’s going to be each time.
This is because if you are only deep cleaning once a year in the spring there is going to be more dirt than if you are deep cleaning multiple times per year.
The idea is to make cleaning easier all year, the more you clean the easier it’s going to become because there is less dirt and dust that you need to get rid of.
Weekly Cleaning
Ideally, the best thing to do is to use your weekly cleaning schedule and add your deep cleaning sessions into this so you are not spending days at a time deep cleaning your home.
This will make it easier to fit the extra cleaning that you need to do.
The sooner you start your fall cleaning the easier it will be to fit an extra one or two areas into your weekly cleaning plan and get this fall deep clean knocked out.
Spread the cleaning over a few weeks or the whole month to give you the time you need. There is nothing more annoying than doing everything in one go and making it harder on yourself.
How To Actually Start Your Fall Cleaning
I really do love a plan, it makes it easier for me to look at what I need to do on any particular day and just get it done.
If I have to stop and think about what I need to do then it wastes time that I could be using. Having a plan for my cleaning is the best way to ensure that I’m going to get it done.
If the task is in my daily plan, then I will do my best to get it done. I hate moving things if I don’t have to.
The tasks are small, I have a very small attention span so the deep cleaning is broken down into small tasks that I can do when I have 10 minutes to really tackle a small tiny project.
These small tasks will add up to a complete room, but the beauty is that I don’t have to take ages on any one thing.
Perfect for my attention span and the easiest way to deep clean my home in the fall.
More Resources To Help You With Your Fall Cleaning
There is nothing more annoying than not having the information you need to hand, here are some more resources to help you with your fall cleaning schedule.