The Questions You Need To Ask When Decluttering
If you are hoping to have a successful decluttering session you will need to ask yourself some questions to help you with this process! The questions you need to ask when decluttering are very simple and straightforward.
You might think that they are too obvious and that I am hiding something from you when it comes to decluttering your home.
The truth is the questions are simple, they don’t need a lot of thought to answer, and often the first answer that pops into your head is the one that you should follow!
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Decluttering Questions To Ask Yourself
The questions that I use when it comes to decluttering are simple, I don’t want to over think the situation and I certainly don’t want things cluttering up my home when they can be removed!
- Do you need this item?
- What’s the purpose of this item?
- Do you want this item?
- Do you love this item?
- Have space for this item?
It really is as simple as asking these questions, sometimes you will come across an item that you feel stuck on answering anything about it and that is when it is difficult to make any decision.
Sometimes it is great to go with your first instinct, but there are times I have put something down and even though I know it is not something that I will ultimately hold onto, at that moment in time I know I am not ready to let it go.
I know this is OK, I know that I will revisit this item later and be able to make the decision to let it go.
Declutter Your Life
It is hard to let some of the things that you have in your home and your mind. Getting rid of clutter is a process that you need time to complete and you need the right mind frame.
It is an emotional time, it is something that you have to take time with and you have to know the reasons why you are holding onto an object.
If it is something that you love but don’t have space for, that is when decluttering is painful. You have to make choices that are tough but are made with the right reasons.
Decluttering is emotionally draining as well as time-consuming, don’t expect to finish your home or even a room in under an hour. It takes time, so make sure you give it plenty of time too!
Decluttering Tips To Help You
Sometimes it is not about the objects in our home, but the amount of stuff that we own. We have found that the more possessions that we have the better we feel.
In truth, this isn’t the case! You don’t need to have a lot of things to feel happy. What you do need is to find the balance, the right amount of possessions that you need.
Thinking about buying something new, this is the time that you need to assess what you already have at home. Is there something that you can get rid of before buying something new?
Getting that balance right between what you have and what you need is difficult. It is often a very fine line and a very delicate balance, if you go out of balance this is where you have too many things and not enough space in which to live.
- Get rid of one item before bringing in something new!
- Always assess if it is a want or a need!
- Think of your budget and if it is something you can actually afford!
Other Questions To Help You Declutter
What is great about decluttering is that you have the time to go through things that you don’t want. What that means is an opportunity to see if someone else can benefit from items you no longer want or need!
You have options!
- Sometimes the only place the item is fit for is the bin!
- You can try selling the item, someone might have a need for the item that you no longer want and this means there is a possibility of making some money by selling these items.
- If you don’t want to sell the item and there is nothing wrong with the item then consider giving the item to charity. This is a great way to help raise money for a great cause and removing the clutter from your home too!
Thinking about selling items that you no longer want is a great way to raise some extra money. However, put a time limit on how long you’re prepared to store the item before it sells, otherwise, it can still be cluttering your home next year!
Having Space In Your Home
What is great when you get rid of clutter, is the space that you have, not every spare inch of your home needs filling. It is OK to have space, to not fill up every inch of every drawer or cupboard in your home.
The less you have the easier it is to take care of, there is less to put away and there is less to clean too! This is a win for everyone involved!
What is your best tip for decluttering? Comment below!
Therefore, if you are thinking about decluttering, it is a great task to complete, it will make you feel great.
However, there are some difficult decisions that you will have to make. But you might be able to make some money on the items that you no longer want or need, this is a positive from a difficult decision.
You will need to put time aside to declutter; you can do this in short bursts, but it can be emotionally draining if you are having to make difficult choices in what you need to let go!
Looking for more articles on cleaning? Why You Are Drowning In Clutter, is a great place to start!
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