How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety By Planning
If you feel yourself getting worked up and stressed, then it is important to stop and assess the situation before moving forward. The better you are at managing and learning to reduce stress and anxiety the better!
It doesn’t necessarily matter what the problem is, you can address that later, what is important is to reduce the stress and anxiety before it overtakes you and you end up having a panic attack or moving forward into depression. Planning your activities can help reduce the risk of stress or anxiety because you are aware of the activity and you can plan management techniques into your day.
Planning your activities can help reduce the risk of stress or anxiety because you are aware of the activity and you can plan management techniques into your day to ensure that you are getting some time to rest!
Stress And Anxiety Symptoms
There is a multitude of different signs and symptoms that a person can feel when stressed. While for one person, a situation is fine, for another it could be too much and they become stressed. While some stress is great for the mind and the body, it can help the blood pump and the adrenaline rush too much is bad, it can have a negative impact on our health and well-being.
Knowing when you have experienced too much stress and when it’s becoming too much to bear, then it is time to seek medical help before it becomes a very serious mental health issue.
Some of the signs that you must look for include:
- Panicky towards situations
- Difficulty in sleeping or sleeping too much
- Feeling tearful
- Worrying about scenarios you have no control over
- Feeling nausea
- Being moody or withdrawn
- Increase need to visit the toilet
- Feeling faint
- Breathing faster
- Palpitations
- Headache
These are just some of the basic signs of stress and anxiety, but they can also be related to other medical conditions. Therefore, it is important that you seek medical attention to ensure that there is nothing else affecting your health.
Stress and anxiety can be a stepping-stone for other medical conditions including depression and high blood pressure or hypertension, and you don’t want these if you can avoid them!
Stress Management Techniques
There are ways in which you can deal with the levels of stress, for me, it is planning. This can help keep me calm and avoid feeling out of control. I don’t deal well with changes to a plan, it raises my stress levels and I do feel out of control. To deal with this I have to take time out and calm down, talking my anxieties through can help but I only do this with people I trust.
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I found this technique helpful when I was going through counselling!
It is possible to get help from your doctor; they can give you medication to help take control, so you don’t become overwhelmed. They can recommend counselling and this is a great way to deal with stress and anxiety. You can learn a number of different techniques, which you can use to help you reduce those feelings of anxiety and help you find techniques to manage the condition.
Living With Stress And Anxiety
It is important to understand while you might not want the medical condition of stress and anxiety; it is something that you have to deal with for you to live your life to the full. Accepting a condition, by not giving up but managing how you feel and techniques that can make living a normal life possible is key to managing stress and anxiety.
It is important that you don’t let the stress take over, or the anxiety cause you difficulties that trap you.
Just because you’ve a condition, learn to manage it and move forward with your life. Everybody is different, they are individuals; this means they can react differently to situations including the amount of stress and anxiety they can deal with. While no one wants the conditions, for many it is a part of life. Being positive and knowing how to manage those feelings is an important step to make each and every day.
Everybody is different, they are individuals; this means they can react differently to situations including the amount of stress and anxiety they can deal with. While no one wants the conditions, for many it is a part of life. Being positive and knowing how to manage those feelings is an important step to make each and every day.
Therefore, if you are dealing with stress and anxiety it is important if it is affecting your life, to seek medical help and discuss the difficulties you are facing. This will allow another person to judge your mental state and to offer the right support that you need.
Very timely article! I’m sure most people are getting stressed out this time of year!
‘Tis the season to be stressed, but planning definitely keeps anxiety at bay. Very good advice!
You hit the nail on the head sharing this post at Two Uses Tuesday just before Christmas… Congrats! You are the most clicked feature this upcoming party! See you on Monday night/Tuesday =)
Oh thank you Sarah for letting me know fantastic news:)