Easy Money From A Side Hustle: Passive Income From Etsy Printables
The current climate of high prices and relatively low wages is making people look for other options to make money.
You can make a passive income from Etsy printables, yes, you create the printable and the purchaser downloads it. You can sell these items multiple times without having to do any extra work.
There are other options with side hustles including business blogging, but they potentially are a lot harder to make an income.
The exciting thing is that making a passive income is possible, and you don’t need to spend all day working to make that extra income.
What Is A Side Hustle
A side hustle is simply a job that you do as well as your main job. It can be anything, but it has to be simple enough that it doesn’t take you away from your main income.
It is something you can do in the time you have off from your main job. Weekends and evenings are the perfect time to start a side hustle.
There are loads of side hustles that you can do and creating digital downloads that you sell on Etsy is just one tiny option in the vast array of ideas.
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What Are Printables And What Are They Used For
They are a form on a piece of paper, someone else has created so you don’t have to.
You might be confused that people still want to be able to download an item that they can print off and use.
There is no getting away from using a pen and a piece of paper, it’s the way a lot of people’s brains work, mine included.
These forms are the printables to sell on Etsy.
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How Do You Make Extra Cash
If you are looking to go down the printables and Etsy route then you make cash when you sell a product on Etsy. You make the product once and sell it multiple times, making you an Etsy printable side hustle to make money.
If you were wondering how to make money selling printables the answer is simple you create the printables and sell them on Etsy.
You must remember that Etsy has to make money too and they charge a percentage of the sale for their fees.
The most important thing is to be sure about the rules for being self-employed in your area. This is creating a business, one that sells products on another platform.
You will need to ensure what the rules are and if you need to pay tax on the earnings you make.
How To Make Passive Income From Etsy Printables
First off, what is passive income? It is making an income with little time or money, here is a definition of passive income that sums it up nicely.
It is simple once you know how to set up a shop and add printables that you have designed and created on a software platform like Canva.
You will have to learn how to do market research and find out what the best keywords to use in your listings of the products.
You are going to need to practice making products, there are other options if you don’t want to make the products yourself.
You can use templates and even buy PLR products that give you the right to sell them as your own.
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Can I Really Make Money With Etsy Printables?
I’m not about to tell you that it’s guaranteed that you are going to make thousands every month. In truth, you might not even make any money for the first few months.
I know the hype of making money in your sleep sounds good, in reality, it’s going to take time to learn the skills you need to make a dent in creating an income.
However, the more time you put into learning the skills and using those skills to create printables you are going to be in a better position to start making money with Etsy and it can be very good money.
How Do I Make And Sell Printables On Etsy?
The simple answer is to use Gold City Ventures E-Printable course, it’s the most comprehensive course I have seen for learning how to make a printable to sell.
If you like the idea of making a side income but are unsure about what to do and how to go about setting everything up then you need to look at Gold City Ventures.
Julie and Cody have set up this amazing course that walks you through the whole process with their E-Printables course.
Their E-Printables course has everything you need to get this side hustle off the ground and into a passive income-generating business.
Do I have To Only Use Etsy To Sell The Printables?
This is a common question and the answer is simply no. However, there are other ways to sell printables online, but with Etsy comes a pre-built audience and that is the most important area that takes time to build.
You can have a blog and sell directly from there, but if you want to make some money on the printables and not having to create the content to grow an audience means there is less work because Etsy does some of the hard work for you.
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Learn To Use Canva
Not only are you going to learn to put together a shop on Etsy, but you are going to learn how to create the most eye-catching designs that your audience is going to love.
You are going to learn how to use a magical piece of software that not only will you use to design your printables but it can also help you on your social media.
By using those printables to create stunning graphics for your social media channels.
Learn Systems And Strategies For Setting Up Etsy Shop
But that is not all, if you have looked at the Etsy platform you might have quickly realized there are a lot of sellers and it can look a bit confusing.
Setting up and getting your shop to make any money is hard on your own.
So, don’t panic Julie and Cody from Gold City Ventures take you through everything you need to do from setting up your shop and working out what printables are going to be the best option for you.
They go through everything you need to know.
Canva Templates So You Don’t Have To Start From Scratch
Learning Canva is a great way to increase your potential income, not only will you be able to make the digital printables to sell.
But getting good at Canva can lead to even more possibilities with expanding your side hustle to creating templates for other Etsy shops.
You might be scared to start the process of creating your own printables.
But don’t panic Julie and Cody from Gold City Ventures have thought of that and have provided you with some templates to help get you started so you can quickly get some printables in your shop to start selling.
What’s The Catch With A Side Hustle On Etsy
The downside with Etsy and selling printables is there are a lot of people with businesses on Etsy and you do have to stand out with the printables you create.
Some people have success right from the start of their shop opening, others take time to see the shop growing and creating sales.
So, having the right path mapped out for you makes the process to success so much easier and in your grasp.
There are no guarantees in life, and there are so many different factors that will play a part in the success of your side hustle, but having Julie and Cody from Gold City Ventures teach you everything you need to know to be successful makes it much easier.
So, if you are wondering how to start a printable side hustle and create a passive income on Etsy, having the right tools and teachers will help you get a head start.
The Advantages Of Making Money From A Side Hustle
This is such a simple idea that you can do in your spare time and build that business whilst still working or attending school.
It is simple to do if you follow a plan of how you are going to make it work for you.
If you don’t have much time creating printables to sell on Etsy is a great option for a side hustle.
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