Diamond Painting Storage Ideas For Your Diamonds To Keep Them Safe
Have you tried diamond painting? It’s amazing and addictive but those little diamonds have a life of their own. I’ve put together a list of ideas on different diamond painting storage ideas for your diamonds to keep them safe and in the right place.
The current craze for painting diamonds is still going strong but keeping your supplies organized might be pushing you a little too far. I think it even stopped me from creating it until Craft Ease stepped in.
I was gifted a diamond painting set by Craft Ease, but all opinions are 100% my own.

Creating Art By Using Diamond Painting
The idea of those little diamonds started me panicking a bit because I wondered if it was going to end up like glitter when my kids were little. Was it just me that seemed to have glitter on the carpet more than on their projects?
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After I received mine from Craft Ease I decided that these diamonds weren’t going to cause me any problems and I was going to manage them like a pro.
Organizing Diamond Painting Kits
But then I was shocked by so many different options I really didn’t know what to look for when it came to storage but it wasn’t going to slow me down.
Working out what would work for storage became a top priority.
I first tried little boxes where you slide in dividers, I quickly realized that they don’t seal each compartment and I knew this wouldn’t work.
On the Craft Ease website they suggest a few different options, but still keeping them in the bags that they come in. I thought this might end in disaster for me.
- Binder clips
- Paper clips
- Sticky tape
- Masking tape
All these options would work but I knew that I would have to move the project in between sessions as I needed to get to my desk to work. (Please be warned that your session might be longer than you planned as you get very involved in sticking the plastic diamonds down.)
I Knew I Needed To Step Up My Organizing Game
I don’t like the idea of untidy-looking bags and I knew that I needed to find a solution that was portable and functional. I had to make it easy to use so that I could tackle my diamond painting whenever I had a spare minute or two.
So I started to come up with a list of different storage options that I wanted to look more into and to work out what options I needed to try.
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Amazon Organizing Options
When it comes to organizing the diamonds in your diamond painting kit there are so many options you can go with. I’ve picked a few that I considered purchasing and a few that I would like to review.
1) Artdot Diamond Painting Storage
This is the organizing diamond option I wanted to try first I have found it easy to use and it does keep the diamonds organized. The tray for holding the diamonds whilst you place them on the canvas also fits in the opening so you can return any diamonds that you don’t use.
2) Outuxed 28 Grid Diamond Storage
The boxes open fully unlike the previous option but there are only 28 boxes and they are joined in rows of 4 boxes together.
It depends on the picture you are doing, but sometimes you need a lot of one colour of diamonds and this could be a problem when sorting. You might not have enough space for all the colours.
I’ve used 42 of the boxes from the first option for one canvas. If it was me I would end up buying more than one just in case you needed more space.
Or you could just not open the spare colours until you need them, that would be another option to take.
3) Outuxed Diamond Art Accessories
This set is similar to the first one I picked in that it has the hinged lid boxes for the diamonds but there are 82 boxes compared to the 64 which is the one I picked.
However, there are other tools included in this set that will make your diamond painting more organized, but as it was my first attempt I didn’t want to spend the higher price until I knew if it was something I would continue with in the future.
4) Artdot Diamond Painting Storage
Now if you want to be able to put your diamonds and tools away together in a case then the Artdot Diamond Storage Case is going to be one of those accessories you will need to get.
It holds everything that you need for your diamond art except for the canvas.
The containers are round but they include a foldable funnel to ensure that you don’t lose a single diamond when transferring into the container.
It makes storing the accessories easier and it makes the whole process look tidier than ever.
But if you are spending more on your storage you need to make sure it’s a hobby that you are going to continue pursuing.
5) 16 Slots Diamond Storage
If you have a crafting space that you don’t need to put away you might want to consider this diamond storage option. It has 16 trays for you to put your diamonds in and you don’t have to put them back into containers as you swap between colours.
However, you would need to be very careful and know which colour is which, I would be afraid I would forget the letter of the diamond I was working with.
6) Number Labels
But what if your handwriting is poor and you struggle sometimes to read your own handwriting? Then you could purchase numbered labels so you can see immediately what you are looking for.
You can buy them already printed so all you have to do is find the right number and stick it onto the diamond jar.
You could also use other methods for labels including a label maker, I have this one and it’s something I will use next time as my handwriting was poor because of how I was filling the containers, on the floor and not at my desk, I had nothing hard to lean on when I was writing the label. I knew it was going to be a disaster.
Keeping Your Diamond Painting Organized
It’s going to be important to spend the time making sure you are keeping the diamonds from your painting organized.
There are labels on the bags of diamonds but if you transfer them to another container you will need to keep track of the number so you don’t get confused.
Without simple organization, you will quickly become confused as to what diamond you need to use.
Craft Ease Diamond Painting Review
I was sceptical at the possibility of not enjoying placing the diamonds on the canvas, but I have to say I do really enjoy the act of diamond painting and I think it’s going to be a hobby I continue because it is surprisingly relaxing.
It’s something I can quickly lose time when participating in the activity, it absorbs you completely and for me, I find it a truly relaxing and enjoyable experience.
I am thankful for Craft Ease to suggest I try out one of their canvases. They are great designs and they support artists who create these amazing designs that you use in your diamond painting.
If you are new to diamond painting check out these tips for beginners from Craft Ease.
Let’s Recap…
How to organize the diamonds from your diamond painting to make life easier, why do you need to consider storage when you embark on a diamond painting project?
These diamonds are tiny and unless it’s a very tiny canvas the chances of finishing the project in one go are very slim so you don’t want to lose them between sessions.
There are lots of options to choose from, think about what you are looking for and the ease of using one product over another.
I’m so thankful for Craft Ease for introducing me to the art of diamond painting and I can’t wait to see how this journey will unfold.