Kitchen Cupboard Hygiene
There are areas of your home that you need to pay attention to, to protect you and your family from germs that could lead to illness. One area is your kitchen; if you leave this area unclean you are running the risk of allowing germs and bacteria to grow, ultimately this will lead to sickness in your home.
Keeping your kitchen clean is a daily battle and one that I hate doing but I equally hate seeing it dirty, too. I can find that a kitchen can quickly become overwhelming and I then lack the desire to clean, or to know where to start.
Cupboard Hygiene
But it is just as important that you consider the inside of your cupboards too. If you allow dirt to build up you could be spreading that to other areas of your kitchen.
Keeping your cupboards clean is just part of the process that you need to address on a regular basis. It will also ensure that you are rotating the supplies in your cupboards to make sure that nothing goes out of date, before you have a chance to use the supplies.
Keeping your cupboards clean will ensure that there are no spills in the bottom of your cupboards, which can attract insects and vermin into your home. This is avoidable by regular cleaning.
Whilst it is important that you clean the work-tops daily and your fridge on a weekly basis, it is possible for the cleaning of the inside of your kitchen cupboards to be less frequent. Ideally once a month for the cupboards that hold food, with six weeks for the other cupboards in your kitchen that contain non-food storage.
It is difficult to imagine that the amount of dirt that can quickly build up in your cupboards. Dirt is transferred on the bottoms of tins and other objects that you put into the cupboard. However, there is also dust and dirt that is transferred from the floor onto shelves and in cupboards, which need to be cleaned on a regular base.
Adding this to your task list
It is important that you are fully aware of the cleaning that you must be doing on daily and weekly basis to ensure the health of your family. But it is equally important that you follow this with your monthly cleaning schedule and other less frequent cleaning of items that are in your kitchen.
For example, I schedule into my planning those cleaning sessions that fall on a less regular basis. I look at my schedule for the week ahead and try to find the day where there is less planned and then I book the time slot for the cleaning. I don’t need a large time slot because I like to break this down into smaller manageable chunks of time, this is then easier to fit into my weekly schedule.
Therefore, it is important for the health of your family that you consider the deep cleaning of your kitchen and schedule this into your routine on regular basis.