Closet Organization
If you are looking to organize your closet, there are a few tricks that you can use to test what you need to donate, sell or throw away. But the most important thing to remember is to look after your clothes, they will then last longer and you will feel better when wearing them. Don’t just throw items into a drawer, you will never find what you are looking for and they won’t look clean and fresh when you do find them; they will be wrinkled and this might make you feel more confident.
Closet organization is not only about organizing your clothes, but it can make you feel better, too. This makes it an even more important job to do, one that you should make you feel proud, but it will also highlight the clothes you wear more often and this can be a great tool when you need to buy new.
The coat hanger trick
If you are looking to get rid of a few items from your wardrobe but are unsure as to the items to remove, because you feel that you wear all the clothes, a great way to test this is to put all the items in your wardrobe on their hangers the opposite way that you normally choose. Then as you wear an item you turn the coat hanger around to how you normally place them. This will quickly allow you to identify the items of clothes that you aren’t wearing, the ones that you can remove, whether to sell or to donate.
This is a great way to identify the clothes that you are wearing all the time and those items that always seem to get forgotten.
Folding or hanging clothes
This will depend on how well you are able to fold items, if you find this task difficult it is probably better if you hang up the items. This will ensure fewer creases appearing in the garments.
There are some great teaching video’s which can help to train you to fold clothes, but these can be difficult to learn, and if you don’t fold your clothes each time, a drawer can quickly become untidy and messy. This can have a negative impact on your organizing skills.
Having too many items in a closet can have a negative impact on the clothes, too. The items can become squashed and this, too, can lead to creasing. You need to find the perfect balance.
If your clothes are kept clean and tidy in your wardrobe and drawers then, when you put these clothes on, you will notice that you will feel better if you know that you are taking care of the clothes, keeping them clean and storing them correctly.
If you learn the techniques of correct folding of your clothes this can save time on the items that require ironing, this saves you a lot of time.
The more organized you are, the easier each day will progress; you will not be rushing around looking for your clothes if you have a routine for your washing, drying and storage.