Why Working From Home Is The Best
If you might consider working from home as a dream, for me it is!
I work the hours which suit my needs, there are times that I am working late into the evening, but again that is my choice to make.
I have no restrictions as to how many cups of tea I make. I have no distractions from managers or other staff members discussing general personal stuff or work ideas.
If you work from home it can give you the freedom to work the hours you want and still earn a living. However, there are times when you need strength to work from home.
Why Work From Home
While working from home sounds great when you are thinking about the freedom to just get up and work, no commute, no work clothes to buy.
It can sound like freedom that is too good to be true and to be honest, there are times when it is great. However, there are also times when working from home is the biggest pain!
For me, it gave me the freedom to actually work. I suffer from depression and anxiety and working from home allows me to deal with those areas of my life without adding to the situation by going out to work.
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The Struggles Of Working From Home
In truth, it is very difficult to work from home; you need discipline to actually get the work complete. It is difficult to concentrate if there are other people in the home, especially children!
If you plan to work when a toddler sleeps, what happens as they age? There is school time that can help you fit in work, but school holidays occur and then you have children to care for and working from home is difficult, even older children seem to interrupt. Unless that is just mine!
Stipulating your working time and the length of time you will be busy is easily forgotten when a child comes to you with a question. Giving your time, even just 5 minutes, is effective at refocusing attention for them, but it could be at a crucial time for you.
Why Working From Home Is Bad
Life can get in the way too; the dog wants out is my most frequent interruption and there is no telling a dog to wait for a more convenient moment because it could mean a cleaning session, too.
They also need walking and there is the housework too! Because I work from home I do feel that it is my responsibility to tackle the housework!
By working from home, it means that you are there! You can end up working through the night because you took an extended break during the day for family reasons! This is tough, it is hard to give up your time because there isn’t the separation from home life to working life.
The Good Points Working From Home
Being able to stop and chat to your family is fantastic, it means you are there for your kids and you can have the time to go to their concerts and activities, never missing a moment!
Feeling low, or unwell, you don’t have to make excuses and having time off because you are poorly, is so much easier. However, if you have deadlines and items to complete you still have to fit these in, no matter how ill you are!
Reasons To Work From Home
If you are looking to have the family life, where you can spend time together as a family and not have to consider child care costs, it is a great option!
However, setting out how you are going to work is important, otherwise, you can find yourself working late because you need to catch up!
Making sure you don’t put stress on your family life is important too!
If you have a great idea and you want to try your hand at working from home, it is a scary situation.
For me, I like my own company, but in the beginning, I found that I was lonely, I had no one to bounce off ideas with because I didn’t know anyone in the industry when I chose to take those first few steps.
I had a very basic knowledge of blogging in the beginning, I quickly realized that I needed training. Something that would help take me to the next level, the paying level.
It was then that I discovered Elite Blog Academy, I didn’t have much confidence in my own abilities but I took the plunge!
It was my best business decision that I have ever made! It opened up my world. It gave me so much more than the opportunity to develop my business further, it gave me the determination to succeed!
Warnings For Working From Home
Working from home gives you freedom, the commute to work is gone! The same as getting up and heading out the door.
However, what you will quickly realize is the loneliness you can feel. Sometimes working from home can make you feel isolated.
Working As A Team
There are ways to connect with team members, there are software options that allow you to track information and projects as a team.
Currently, I use Airtable, I found this a great way to ensure that I am on track with all the different areas of my business. It is similar to a spreadsheet but with a lot more features, the great news is that some areas are free to use and for me this is great!
Therefore, if you think working from home is the answer to all your work dreams, remember to consider the savings that you will be making and ensure the loneliness and isolation that often comes with working from home is something you can endure!