4 Tips For Picking A Great Credit Card
With so many different credit cards that are available, it is often difficult to know which credit card is going to be the best option for your circumstances. It is important to know what options are open to you and only apply for the best card; it is often possible to look at the likelihood of your application being successful so as to not have a negative impact on your credit rating.
Knowing what you are looking for in a credit card is important, are you looking for a temporary loan, or to clear off an existing debt will allow you to choose the right option for you. Having the information to hand is going to allow you to look for the right card as well as a card with the right features for you.
- Look at the features of the card, is it 0% for a period or is it offering a reduced balance transfer that could save you money in the long term? You might be considering using the card to pay off another card. If the card is to transfer debt then it is important to check out the rate that you need to pay to transfer the debt over to the new credit card.
- Are you looking for cash back or points, if you are looking for a way for your credit card to pay you for spending then look for a card that pays cash back. This is a great way to make some money from the credit card company, especially if you are paying the whole balance off each month. If the card has a point scheme then it will depend if you will use the points to claim back products or services, if you don’t then it is a waste and you might find a better deal.
- Research the different companies, even a recommendation from a friend is often a great idea. It will allow you to get first-hand information from others as to the service that you are likely to receive. Poor customer service is not acceptable and poor reviews mean that they might not be the company that you should be choosing.
- Talk to your current credit card provider and tell them you are considering moving because you have found a better deal elsewhere. Tell them the other rates that are on offer and what you intend to do; you might be surprised they might offer to reduce interest payments on your current credit card. This reduces the need to change providers and this means your credit rating is not going to drop with the application process.
There are ways that can ensure that you are getting the best deal for your money and this is never more important than with the credit cards that you use. Getting the best deal and the most for your money is vital, making your money work harder and ensuring that you have the best deal possible is going to save you money in the long term.