Track Time Blocks
It is important to track time blocks because it can mean that you are able to complete the tasks needed. It can also allow you plan your day; this can help with the organization of tasks as well as insuring you give yourself some down time too.
The reasons to track time blocks
The most important aspect of tracking time blocks is to allow you to plan your day with the tasks and activities that are required, to complete tasks and to allow smooth transition throughout your day. It will mean that you have less opportunity to feel stress rising, no longer rushing from one task to the next.
If you have your day planned into time schedules then you’re going to know what you need to do and at what time. It is important that you allow at least an hour in your day, which is free; this will allow you to have space in case unexpected events happen that could cause your day to fall apart.
By planning your day in set blocks of time will allow you to become more organized and less stressed. If you know what you need to do each day and have a period marked around those, it is going to mean you are more likely to complete tasks and still feel good about yourself because you will have planned the day.
There are going to be days when the plan just won’t work; that you have items that just don’t fit into your schedule and this is fine. Adjust your day so that you are not feeling that you are behind in any area, use the spare time that you have planned into your schedule to get back on track. If a task isn’t done, and it is not important then reschedule it for a different day.
How to track time blocks
It is important that you are not scheduling more into your day than you can actually manage. It is easy to over schedule your day, putting too many items that need completing. This is counterproductive, it can make you feel overwhelmed and you achieve less. It is better to have fewer jobs and tasks planned and this can give you the freedom to complete the tasks in hand without needing to reschedule, which can lead to an increase in tasks because you are constantly trying to catch up.
Learning how to track time is important, knowing the tasks that you need to do on any given day is going to make your life easier, but having a few jobs that you are able to complete is good, having too many and having to move them to another day is not great. Try cutting any list that you have to four or five items, if you manage to complete these and you still have time available then use the time wisely, you could always try putting your feet up and having a cuppa.
The best way to track your day is in a diary, here you should have all your appointments and it is easy to see the tasks planned for the next few days. Some people prefer to work from a to-do list that is created fresh at the end of the day or first thing in the morning. This ensures that you take note of the days tasks and you will know what you need to wear and what you need to get ready for the day ahead.
However, by planning the period that will work best for the task in hand and how it will fit into your day is vital. There is little point scheduling to do the housework just before you are due to go to a meeting. You will arrive flustered and this is not a great impression. Instead, you would be better to schedule the housework later in the day. Getting the right balance in place as to when to schedule in the tasks will make the jobs manageable.
Therefore, it is important if you are able to track time blocks during your day it will make your life easier to manage and you will appear a more organized person too.