Are You Tired Of Your Clutter
Clutter is something we can all have, it hides in our homes and minds and can really start to weigh you down! Are you tired of your clutter?
Clutter is anything that you no longer need or use, yet it always seems to find a way into our homes and can even manage to hide in plain sight!
It can make us feel overwhelmed and out of control in our own homes and lives!
It becomes more of a burden than anything else in your life!
Is Clutter Getting You Down?
Clutter is one of those things that you can struggle to name, yet you know it lives in your home and torments you whenever it can!
Everyone talks about decluttering their home, but you feel that you are barely scraping by with everything that you’ve got on your plate!
You can’t imagine how you will find the time to do something extra on top of all the normal daily tasks!
I know how you feel, but in reality, the more you declutter the less you have to deal with around your home!
The Solution Isn’t Easy
I know I made it sound like the answer to your problems is to declutter, and in some ways it is!
However, getting rid of the clutter is difficult!
- You have to find the clutter
- You have to go through it
- Working out how to get rid of the clutter
- What to do when the clutter is gone
There are so many things that you need to do when it comes to getting rid of the clutter that it becomes stressful!
It’s a bit overwhelming too! Going through the items in your home that you no longer need or want is emotional!
It can bring up emotions that you don’t expect!
These emotions make getting the clutter out of your home hard work! It’s like it is trying all the tricks that it knows to make you keep it longer!
The Negative Effects Of Clutter
Your home is where you have all the things that you want and love!
However, when you need to purge the clutter, emotions can come from looking at an item and bringing back memories.
Sometimes these memories are good, it doesn’t mean that you have to keep the item though!
Going through that physical reaction to an item is tiring and draining, it will get you down!
Making the process of decluttering not only hard physical labour it is also mentally draining too!
It becomes a burden that you don’t want to face, it stops you enjoying your home!
In worst cases, it might even affect you inviting people round as you find your clutter as a barrier to keep people out!
It can become a wall that you hide behind, a mental barrier to prevent you removing the clutter as you don’t want to have to deal with the outside world!
Avoid The Clutter Overwhelm
The best solution to clutter is to keep it at bay! Don’t let it into your home!
This is easy said than done!
You need to ensure that you have systems in place that allows you to ensure that you are dealing with potential clutter before it gets too bad!
Once you are on top of your clutter plan regular decluttering sessions
Have rules that you need to follow when it comes to items being brought into the home!
- One item in one item of same value out
- Deal with mail as soon as it arrives
- Don’t put off putting an appointment in your diary
- If you see something getting out of control take immediate action
- Create homes for everything you own, no home then you don’t need it!
Manage Your Clutter Easily
Be aware that there are times when clutter will sneak by you!
Having routines in place that allows you to tackle these areas regularly will help!
Don’t just have a cleaning schedule, have time set aside each week or month where you go through the different areas of your home ensuring that clutter is tackled before it has a chance to breed!
If you don’t know what I mean, think about paper clutter! Somehow this seems to grow with very little effort at all!
It comes into our home through a number of different ways!
- School children always seem to bring home a lot of paper
- Post, including junk mail and sometimes important paperwork that seems to come with a few items of terms and conditions or other legal jargon
- Newspapers
- Food, some of these comes with quizzes and puzzles
- Greeting cards
- Instructions for appliances
Some of it we do need to keep, the other stuff seems to just fill up our homes without really seeing it enter!
Simple Tips To Clear Your Clutter
What is important for you is to find systems that work!
- Start small, tackle one area at a time
- Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how much you can get done
- Have a plan what you will do with the clutter! Are you putting it in the trash or are you giving it away! Knowing what you are doing before you start helps!
There are loads of suggestions that you could try, but knowing in advance that some might not work shouldn’t put you off!
Find a system that is simple, the more complicated it is, the chances of it failing are high!
Don’t spend money on a new system, try it out in principle first! You don’t want to waste your money on things that might not work for you!
There is no guarantee with any system, it depends on if you take the time to work the system!
As with most things it takes commitment from you and time!
You need time to tackle the clutter!
Having the perfect system set up won’t help if you don’t work the system!
If you are not prepared to put time into tackling the clutter no system is going to work, no matter how much it costs!
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Looking for more help with tidying up and getting rid of the clutter? This book is really helping a lot of people tackle the clutter and get organized!
Are You Hiding Behind Your Clutter
Sometimes, clutter is a way to hide from the world outside!
This isn’t good for you or your health!
Take the time and look around your home, are there potential spots where clutter is growing?
Plan to tackle that clutter before it starts to take over your home and life!
Clutter is good at hiding, don’t let it hide in your home! Take action today and start tackling the clutter!