The Best Way To Organize Your Family’s Chores
Getting help around the house is important, it allows all family members to share in the upkeep of the family home; it means that not all tasks fall on one person; they’re shared among all who live there, therefore keeping the family home clean and tidy means making sure that everyone helps. This means there are more team building opportunities and this makes it easier for children learning responsibilities from a young age, something they can take forward into adulthood. Creating a way to organize your family’s chores makes it easier.
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Household Chores
Finding what everyone is capable of doing and the time they have to do the chores can mean that they aren’t doing the same amount as the next person, but as long as they are taking an active role then there is the potential for the chores to work.
For example, if someone works long hours outside the home, they are not going to have the energy to do a long and difficult task; however, there is nothing wrong with having simple tasks that are quick but share equally the chores around the home. Something simple like sorting the washing is easy but it is all part of the chores around your home.
You need to have a plan, knowing what chores need doing, the time available and what people like is important, by mixing in those enjoyable chores makes those ones we all hate more bearable.
How you organize these is personal preference, some people like having set times when all chores get completed, others allow for the choice of time as long as it gets done. This works in theory, but you do have to check that excuses aren’t made so chores get done when they need to do other things, including homework and staying up later than their bedtime.
I let my children decide when they were doing certain chores, but things like laying the table was a timed item and this was always on a rotation basis. I found the more I asked the less likely I was to have the item completed, by letting them get the chores done in their own time gave them the chance to see how much more time they had for themselves if they chose to do their chores early.
If you are trying to organize chores it is a great idea to get a chore chart like this one to help you organize what you need to do and when.
Don’t Forget The Training
Just because you know how to do, a task doesn’t mean that anyone else knows this information. You have to teach people how to do a task, you might even need to write instructions, in case they don’t listen to the instruction, and they have a way to still do the task.
It is often not easy learning a new task and sometimes they aren’t done as perfectly as you might like; unfortunately pointing out errors without giving praise can make a person less likely to do the task in the future. It is important to thank someone for doing something, you might feel that you need praise too, but being an adult is taking responsibility and a quick thank you means a lot.
Therefore, if you are looking for the best way to organize your family’s chores, it is a personal preference; no one way fits all. You have to work together to find a way which best suits the needs of all your family. You might find that some people still do more than others but that is OK if you are working together as a family unit, building trust and strength as a family is an important learning experience that all families should experience.
How do you organize your family’s chores?
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