Essential Maintenance Plan
If you need to remember to complete jobs around the home, then you need a maintenance plan. This plan will remind you of the tasks that you need to complete, as well as when services of different items around your home are due.
This will help keep you up to date with the maintenance of your property and will allow you to keep your family safe. It is important if you have a gas source coming into your home that it cared for and serviced on a regular basis.
This can prevent you from being exposed to harmful chemicals that are present when a product malfunctions; it is called a silent killer because you can’t see it or smell it.
There are other products in our homes, which need regular maintenance to keep our homes safe, these include the tumble dryers. For many this winter the tumble dryer has been the easiest method for drying clothes when the rain has prevented them from drying outside.
But, when was the last time that you cleaned out the vent? If you have a hose that vents the hot air, this needs cleaning on a regular basis. The lint from the clothes blocks the vent and this can become dry, compacted and easily can cause a fire.
Creating a maintenance plan
If you create a maintenance plan, this can help prevent the lint from building. When I swapped from a vented tumble dryer a few years ago to a condensing tumble dryer, I was surprised to find so much lint in the venting hose. This shocked me into realizing that I had put my family at risk. Never again, my tumble dryer has a maintenance plan now, I know when the condensing unit needs cleaning and I schedule in a hovering session with my tumble dryer once a month just to be on the safe side.
However, it is not just my tumble dryer that has a maintenance plan, I am increasing my plan so all jobs are scheduled in, weather permitting of course.
If you have items in your home that need regular checks then planning for them each year can help save your family from unexpected bills. Regular maintenance is going to keep items running smoothly.
My car now tells us when it needs a service, but before this, I would keep a track of the time between each service. There are times that this doesn’t go to plan, and a problem happens; this can’t be helped and you do have to deal with the situation as it arises. However, a well maintained home is easier to manage in the long term; it will mean that when you come to sell your home it could fetch a higher price.
Another important maintenance job that is essential around the home is to remove dead leaves from the drainpipes, if this isn’t completed on a regular basis it can lead to damp and water getting into your home.
Why have a maintenance plan
There are a number of reasons for having a maintenance plan; for me, it keeps me organized. I know what jobs need doing each month and it makes my life run that little bit smoother.