Do You Choose Routine Or Schedules
Are you looking for more organization in your home? You need to consider what is going to work for you and your family. Trying out the different styles of either choosing routines or schedules or even them both, might help you finally bring order to your home when you never thought it was possible. The differences between routines and schedules are subtle and you might not have even realised the difference, but some people, they work better with routines and others prefer the structure of the schedules. Finding the perfect balance for you and your family is key to the potential of the success of becoming more organized and a lot less stressed.
Opting For The Daily Routine
With routines, it follows repetition. You do the same tasks in the same order every day, or when the routine starts; it follows a pattern that you can quickly pick up and use, you don’t have to think too much.
This takes away the stress of thinking about a particular activity that you have to do but don’t really want to. It becomes a habit and this makes you work on autopilot getting the tasks completed without too much stress.
This is great for me, I have a list of tasks I do on a daily basis, and as life is difficult sometimes, the day doesn’t always flow perfectly. This means that if I miss the normal time that I do these jobs, it doesn’t matter because when I start I will be on autopilot until they are all complete.
Unfortunately, when I get interrupted in the middle of completing them it is when I have the most problem; what have I done and what I have still to do can throw me a bit which is why I still write them down in my diary every day.
Scheduling The Cleaning
For me, I see scheduling the cleaning sessions as picking the time of the day that each task gets scheduled for; in the past this has worked, but I found that I was missing some appointments and rescheduling them until I had so much to do it became overwhelming.
A schedule can work well for a person who needs structure; this is often the case if you have young children at home. Knowing when certain tasks need completing can help to organize your day and a child can perform better if they know what and when something is going to happen.
The same is true when you are teaching children how important chores are, if they know the time they need to complete the chores, it often means that they complete chores before bedtime.
It can help to organize their day and for them to understand the tasks that you need to do too. If you always start to prepare the evening meal at 4.30 and you ask them to entertain themselves for this period then they know what is coming and it is easier for them to understand.
Therefore, it depends on what works for you and your family, you might mix these together, having a morning routine where each member has their own tasks, they need to complete to get ready for the day. You then might have a scheduled time for home activities like cleaning or doing chores together.
You have to look how these will work for you and your family, it will help if you are looking to have an organized home and work life that you find that balance where you can get everything you need done on time without the stress.
I am a big routine person. I am always happy after the weekend or holidays when my routines can be reestablished!
Visiting from the link-up at Equipping Godly Women.
Thanks for visiting Elizabeth, I love routines!
I’m definitely a routine person. Rigid time scheduling doesn’t work for me, but I remember with littles, it was important. I also like habits: Geting i nthe habit of doing a load of laundry a day, for instance. I now do it on auto-pilot. Visiting from Equipping Godly Women.
Thanks for visiting Betsy:)
Visiting from Fellowship Fridays π I am trying to find balance between my daily routines and things that need to be scheduled. I sometimes get stuck in a rut and realize it’s been weeks since I’ve seen my friends. So I find myself needing to schedule the fun stuff! I think I am doing better at it now π
Michelle thanks for visiting:)
I use BOTH! All the time!
I never really thought about the differences between scheduling and routines. I have been trying to get a bit more structure to my life, so this post was truly helpful. Thanks!
Visiting from Equipping Godly Women. π
Thanks for visiting Brittany:)
Thanks Kimberly for visiting I am glad it helped:)
I’ve never really thought of the differences! I guess I use a little of both. I don’t mind routine as long as you still switch it up every once in a while. Thanks for your submission to the HomeAcre hop. Be sure to come back to or one of the other hosts and submit another this week π
Thanks for visiting Heidi:)