Clutter: The Global Epidemic
If you are like me, you might be feeling that in today’s modern society we have made a life with the need for possessions. It is as though you need to have everything you could ever imagine, stuffed into your home.
It is fast becoming a world of wants and desires that are ever-expanding because of credit. Do you look at a new item and feel you must have it? Do you owe money on credit cards for items that have worn out before you have time to pay off the debt?
We live in a world where getting the latest item isn’t about saving up and making sure you really want or need it, but of a life where if you see something you like and you just end up buying the item.
This is where it becomes clutter
Homes, filled with items that you once thought were perfect but quickly forgot about their charm. You no longer want or like the item but keep it because you can. You have too many possessions to know what you want.
It is not about living a life of the minimalist where you have hardly any possessions; it is not about taking the power away from people buying what they want. But giving an understanding that the money you are spending on these frivolous items which are cluttering up homes across the world.
Getting rid of the clutter is not about living without the items that you need but living with less stuff in our homes. You don’t need to fill with items that will never be used, or old and broken. Removing these items from our homes makes it easier to keep clean and tidy.
They can make your home become overwhelming and difficult to manage. Often you can feel that there is too much to do and this is difficult when you are trying to organize and clean your home.
Clutter is more than possessions
When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and ‘good, orderly direction’ to enter.
Often clutter is mistaken for items that are rubbish and just need throwing away. But clutter is more than just possessions, it is the concept deep in your brain that wants and needs to hold onto possessions in a false sense of security.
An item doesn’t hold the memories, they are deep within you. An object can remind you of an event but it doesn’t hold that memory, this means that you don’t need to hold on to every item that you have ever owned.
Removing clutter from your home is not easy and it can stir up your emotions, making even the smallest of de-cluttering tasks take forever, which is just one reason why you shouldn’t let clutter build; have rules like one in means one out. This simple rule doesn’t allow the clutter to build.
Therefore, clutter is a problem that exists all around the world; you are not the only one that has difficulty letting go of things. Dealing with feelings is another important area of removing clutter and this is often misunderstood. Feelings need a voice, those that make us live in clutter need attention and understanding, sometimes people need professional help, don’t be afraid to ask.