11 Tips That Will Change How You Clean
Cleaning for most people isn’t fun; I want to change how you clean by giving you some great tips and to change the way you feel about cleaning in general.
I want to help you find your cleaning groove, the one where you clean automatically and you don’t dread the chore of cleaning, it becomes something that you can maybe even learn to love!
Yes, it is possible to love cleaning, you just have to change how you view cleaning and it becomes less of something you fight against and more something that you love.

11 Tips That Will Change How You Clean Forever
Using some of these tips will help you change your views on cleaning and you might start to enjoy some aspects of cleaning!
- Speed Cleaning: This is what it implies, cleaning as fast as you can. This speeds up the cleaning process and you’ll be amazed how quickly you can get through tasks. It isn’t about the fine detailed cleaning, this is general cleaning and doing the task in as short a time as possible.
- Timers: Having a timer is a great way to check that you are not spending too long dragging out a cleaning task. It is a great way to increase your cleaning speed trying to beat the clock. I have a short attention span and can get side-tracked very easily so having a timer helps me stay focused in short bursts.
- Clean more often: You might think this is a weird option, especially if you dislike cleaning, but the more you clean the less time it will take because you haven’t let it get too dirty in between cleaning sessions. You might think this is difficult if you work outside the home, but literally, 5 minutes here and there and your house is clean.
- Create routines: A routine is a great way to clean without thinking about what you need to do. If you practice your routines and only add new tasks slowly it is possible to learn a complete routine and these you can do with little thought. Your body does them automatically without thinking.
- Schedule your cleaning time: Having set times or after certain activities, if you automatically start to clean, it becomes a habit. I have cleaning breaks after certain tasks, I plan them not to take more than 10 minutes but it gives my mind a break and this is important when you are working.
- Planning: It is so important to plan your cleaning, you need to be able to automatically start a task, you shouldn’t be thinking about what needs doing, you should plan in advance and just know!
- Products: Use products that you like, you have to like how they work and how well they perform the task in question. If you don’t like the results it will put you off cleaning!
- It’s not a chore: Cleaning should never be looked upon as a chore, it makes it sound so bad, and you want to enjoy the task. The more you see cleaning as a way to provide you and your family with a clean and tidy home, you are giving yourself the permission to live in a clean home. It takes away the feelings of negativity the word ‘chore’ has, which makes the whole process so much easier to accept.
- What annoys you most: There are always areas that will bug you the most, for me, it is the floors, so this is where I start. I know that you should start at the top and work down, but I feel so much better if the floors look clean, it makes me feel like cleaning more!
- Clean as you go: If you get in the habit of cleaning an area as you leave, the cleaning gets done with little thought. If you use the bathroom, wipe it down before you leave. Cooking a meal, wash up as you go and the kitchen won’t look too bad when you come in to do the dishes after you have eaten.
- Remember life happens: There is always something that throws a spanner in the works, accept it and move forward. If it means you didn’t do something, forgive yourself and continue moving in the right direction.
My Favourite Cleaning Items
If you want to change how you clean and start loving the tasks you need to do, you must love the products that you use. If you don’t like them it will have a negative impact on how you feel about cleaning and this can make you resentful to clean! Affiliate links are included for your convenience. (Which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission which helps keep my blog up and running but won’t cost you a penny more!) Click here to read my full disclosure and privacy policy.
- Vacuum, I have fallen in love with vacuuming since buying this vacuum, it is brilliant!
- White vinegar is a staple cleaning product in my home.
- bicarbonate of soda, this has so many uses.
- Soda crystals, I don’t use these often but they are good.
- Micro fibre cloths are a cleaning essential.
- Steam mop, I love my steam mop, I recently changed mine as I hated my previous model!
Why These Tips Will Change How You Clean
These tips are there to get you thinking differently about cleaning, it isn’t something that you should hate, or take hours in a day. It is about finding the right balance for you and respecting your own personal space.
If you change how you tackle a problem you can change the whole feel of the task. If you start to look forward to keeping your house clean, it will reflect in your cleaning and making it easier too.
Therefore, if you are struggling with fitting in your cleaning or just hate the thought of doing the task, changing little aspects to make the task easier will help how you see the task and it won’t feel like a chore!
I could definitely use all the help i can get! I hate cleaning! Two little boys constantly messing things up the same day is disheartening to say the least. I’ve used the timer idea and that helps. I’ll try the speed cleaning idea and try cleaning more often too. Thanks!
Awesome! You are doing a great job remember that! I know it is hard when you have little ones making a mess, but it is worth it! 🙂