How To Set Up Your House Cleaning Schedule
You know it would be awesome if your home could actually clean itself, unfortunately, this isn’t yet possible, but don’t give up there are ways that you can set up your home to clean itself, well almost. You need a house cleaning schedule, but something that works for you and not against you!
You might need to create some routines, and there are some appliances that you can buy that would lead you down the path of automating some of your household cleaning tasks.
What is important is understanding that you don’t need to spend hours cleaning to have a clean home, you need to set up routines that allow you to tackle cleaning in a way that gives you back the time to not feel tied to cleaning.

Cleaning House Schedule
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The most important thing to learn is the more stuff you have the more to clean, the less stuff means a lot less cleaning.
I think this is important, it helps you to look at the things you have in your home and the desire not to spend hours cleaning and making progress in getting rid of clutter.
If you are looking to doing less and spending money there are products that you can buy that will vacuum your floors or even keep the tiled areas of your home clean.
I use the Virobi Robotic Cleaner for keeping my tiled floors dust and pet hair free!
You have to set them up and turn them on, but they will do the act of cleaning for you.
Cleaning Regime For Your Home
Find systems that you can use that promotes cleaning in short bursts of time, I like to spend no more than 5 – 10 minutes at a time cleaning, I do this a few times during the day and this means that I have a clean home.
I know what needs doing and because I am doing it regularly, I have found that it doesn’t feel like cleaning, but I always feel my home is clean.
Setting up routines that you follow will automate the process and you might find that you do the tasks automatically, without thinking about them and this is great, it is the best way to clean.
Easy Clean
If you want to set your home to clean itself, then you need to have the necessary cleaning products to hand.
You don’t want to chase all over the house looking for different items, locating them together saves time and energy when it comes to cleaning and this is key to being able to spend short bursts of time cleaning.
You might even want to set up cleaning stations for different areas, this can make cleaning even quicker if you haven’t got to find the cleaning supplies in the first place.
An idea if you have multiple bathrooms in your home that you have cleaning supplies in each one, this means it is easier to keep them clean.
Try using a different bathroom each time and whilst in there giving it a quick clean will tick off another cleaning task of your list.
If you want to feel that your home is cleaning itself then you need to make sure that you maximize the efficiency of your home, have things put away, make sure your items have homes to go to and aren’t left lying around.
This will speed up any cleaning process and your home will look cleaner because there is no clutter lying around.
Home Cleaning Routine
Identifying and tackling the problem areas as you notice them will help to keep them under control.
You might find that family comes in and dumps items in one spot and never seem to move from this area.
Tackle this spot first, try different solutions until you find ways to make this area less of a focus spot or provide storage solutions that tackle the problem.
One area that you must keep on top of is the area you first see when walking in the door.
This can set your mood if it’s cluttered and dirty it is going to make the rest of your home feel the same if this area is clean and tidy it can have an added bonus of making the rest of your home that much cleaner.
Don’t spend hours cleaning, unless you want to, put routines into place to help you forget the process of cleaning, this can make you procrastinate and just do the next task on your to-do list.
It is about creating a home to clean itself, but you do have to do some of the tasks to make it work.
House Work Routine
I actually threw out my cleaning schedule, it was getting on my nerves and wasn’t working anymore.
I wanted and needed a change. I was unsure how I was going to move forward because I have always had a cleaning schedule, sometimes more elaborate than others, but it worked and that is why it stuck.
However, I was getting frustrated with it and so I binned it, what happened next was amazing I was just doing 5 minutes of cleaning per 20 minutes of work and this has transformed my home.
I don’t feel like I am cleaning, I don’t feel that I am doing that much really, but it has made a huge difference in how I feel about my home and the cleanliness.
Whilst the idea of making your home clean itself sounds far-fetched it isn’t that far off with some of the appliances that are available.
However, it doesn’t have to feel like cleaning and that is the most important thing to take away from this article, it is giving you back the power and being in control of your cleaning in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you’re trapped and have to spend hours each week just cleaning.
I totally agree, the first place you walk into definitely sets the stage for the entire house. Not just for guests but for everyone that lives there too.
Thanks for your kind words. If you walk in and it doesn’t look good it can put you in a bad mood and not intentionally! Thanks for visiting! 🙂