Home Management Files
I have read about these, have even started to create one but could never find how they could change how I run my home and keep me organized, until I adapted it to meet my needs and not to fit in with how other people managed their home file.
I am one of those people who if perfection isn’t going to happen then I could give up relatively quickly, and I think this was my problem in creating my home file. I wasn’t able to go out and buy the most expensive file, I didn’t have all the pretty tabs that seem to adorn many people’s home management files. I wanted the perfect creation and if I couldn’t have that then it wasn’t going to work.
But once I let these inhibitions go, I created a file that works for me; it is not in a binder because no matter how hard I try, pages break and fall. This is a bugbear, I hate pages not to look neat. So, I decided, I would keep this home management file in my draw in a hanging file. Here I am able to keep the information and it meets my needs; it is not perfect but it works for me.
Letting Go But Becoming More Organized
For some people becoming more organized is just a distant dream, one that you hope one day you will be able to find, for others it is just part of life, you know what is happening on what day and things just seem to flow.
For me I have a fear of forgetting; yet I hate those tiny address books that you need to write so small there is never a possibility that you can read the details with any accuracy. So many years ago, I ditched them in favour of my address sheet, this I keep in my management file and I am able to find the addresses of friends, family and businesses that I have used in the past.
I also include in my management file my birthday list, this enables me when I get a new diary and calendar that I can use this to put in birth dates rather than hunting through the previous year’s calendar.
Home Management File
By incorporating my file into a hanging file, this has allowed me to split down the sections into smaller files that are more manageable. This enables me to be even more organized because I know that the file in question has information that I am looking for and I haven’t got to go through one file looking for the section; I break these sections down further and this is what has made the home management file work for me. I have taken the idea and adapted it to meet my needs, now it works perfectly for me.
You might think an idea is great but fitting it into how you live and work sometimes means that you need to tweak the ideas and this is acceptable, once you except that you can change the rules so they work for you and not against you, life does become easier.