Define Your Spaces
It is important when you are organizing, to define your spaces. This might sound like a simple idea but it can be quite empowering. If you are fully aware of the function of the space, you are less likely to fill that space with objects that don’t belong.
Be strict when you define space
Insist that the space is for a particular purpose, no exception. This can help with your own focus as well as other family members. If you insist that the dining room table is just that, and are firm that you won’t allow other objects to be left lying on the table, when you come to eat the table is ready for you. This will encourage you and your family to eat meals at the table because you will have access to it.
Having the function of a room defined can help in the organization of that space. If you are aware of the function, you are aware of the objects that are required in that particular area. Other objects you can sell, re-home or throw away. This reduces the number of items that you will need to clean and find homes for in the future. Reducing the amount of items that you have is a great way of living within your home. You don’t need to have vast amounts of possessions to prove anything, it is not about being a minimalist, but just having the items in your home that you want and need.
How to define your spaces
Understanding the way to define space is important, it is not about emptying every room and reorganizing from the beginning. This method can be overwhelming and can cause you to end up in a complete mess. It is about going slowly; plan an organizing session for a maximum of half an hour a day, this will give you time to start the process and it will give you the time to find the right home for the items.
Start one room at a time, only once you have completely sorted out one area should you move on to the next. The reason behind this is the ability to stop sorting and organizing too many spaces at once, this can become a complete mess and is often the downward spiral before you give in completely and go back to living in a worse situation than when you started.
Why Is It Important To Be Organized At Home?
By defining your spaces it allows you to look at the systems that are going to work for you and your family and to ensure that you are doing the process slowly. A slow change to an organized home is going to be easy to manage because it allows you to adjust to the new way to define the spaces in your home. If you are changing how you live it can be easy to abandon and quickly move back to your old ways; the new option hasn’t been given time to develop and learned by those around you and it can quickly be rejected, slow is better in the organization of an area.