How To Check Your Vehicle For A Road Trip
When you plan a road trip it’s important to check that your vehicle is in good condition for the trip!
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Don’t leave it until the last minute to check that your car is up to the task of the trip, planning ahead can prevent upset and last-minute setbacks or even cancelling the road trip!
Why Check your Vehicle
Making sure your vehicle is ready for the journey is important. Having the car ready for the task is going to ensure that all aspects of your road trip are planned!
I know there are no guarantees when it comes to things going wrong, but if you put as much as you can into getting the preparation done right you are reducing the risk of something going wrong!
Checking your car before a road trip ensures that your car is fit for the journey too, just the same as you won’t go on a trip if you are ill, neither should your car!
What To Check On Your Vehicle
But do you know what you should check?
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The basics you should check include:
- Oil levels
- Any sign of leaks
- Wear on the tyres
- Windscreen wipers
- Screen wash
- Spare tyre
- Lights
In reality, you should be checking these basic areas each time you use your vehicle!
But when you are considering a road trip taking those checks to the next level is even more important!
Thinking about these tips:
- Car brakes, do they need replacing?
- When did you last have a service?
- Have you changed the air filter lately?
- Is your battery in good condition?
- Have you got a basic toolkit in your car in case you need to change a tyre?
- Do you have a warning triangle and a fluorescent vest in your car?
All these things need considering before contemplating a road trip!
Things To Think About Before A Road Trip
Consider preparation before a road trip as time well spent!
Planning a road trip is important, it lets you think about the journey and all the things you might need.
You really shouldn’t just jump in your vehicle and head off, planning and being prepared for the unexpected makes the trip more enjoyable and a lot less stressful!
- Having plenty of fuel for your journey is essential, always fill up before you start to pack your car if you can!
- Taking a GPS system is essential, but also if you are heading to areas that mobile signals are weak or non-existent then having a physical map is also essential!
- If you are planning a long trip, having a jerry-can with some fuel, just in case is something that you should consider!
- Charger, this is so important for modern travelling, not only is it a good idea to have a cell-phone for emergency calls, but it can be a life-saver to entertain bored kids!
- First aid kit, this essential item should be in your car at all times, you should have a note in your diary to check that all the contents are still in date!
- A torch is vital if you intend to do any travelling at night! You don’t want to have to stop and not be able to see anything if you need to stop somewhere dark!
- If you have medication, you must take this with you, it depends on your road trip how much you will need. But you should take a picture of all medication in case you have a problem and you need to get hold of more supplies!
- Have you got some change for tolls too?
Important Things To Pack In Case Of An Emergency
Whilst it’s not a good idea to dwell on things that can go wrong, you should be ready and have the important information with you!
Make sure that you have contact information that is accessible in case of an accident and your next of kin needs contacting.
If you have ICE on your mobile, as a contact, police will know that this means, in case of emergency!
This is helpful to have along with your driving details and your insurance! Don’t forget to think about holiday insurance too!
Traveling With Or Without Your Pets
If you have left your pet in the care of someone else while travelling, make sure they have all the numbers they need in case something happens and they need to call you!
If you are unavailable, because of poor mobile service, ensure they have another person they can call if they need to make any difficult decisions on your behalf!
If you are taking your pets with you on the road trip making sure you have everything they need is so important!
Don’t forget they will need frequent stops to exercise and stretch too!
It’s simple to forget that they can get bored on a car trip too! Think about packing toys, not squeaky ones, for some of the journey just to break up the boredom!
Car Maintenance After A Road Trip
Planning for after a road trip and making sure your car is in good condition is just as important! Thinking about car maintenance after any road trip is just as important as before!
Be prepared to book your car in for a checkup or at least inspect the car yourself after a road trip to see if anything has worn and needs replacing!
You don’t want to assume that as it was OK on the trip that you don’t need to check on all those areas again! Check out for there latest deals!
If you’re planning a road trip be sure to make sure that your car or vehicle is in good condition to make the journey too!
That’s a good idea to take your car in to get a checkup after a long road trip. That would put a lot of miles on your car and might make some small issues a bit worse, so you could take it in and make sure that you won’t run into some big problems. I would hate for it to break down on the road as well, so a pre-trip checkup might be a good idea as well.