Author: Sharon

I'm a qualified organizer and I've kept a clean home for over 25 years. I worked in a bank for a few years and saw first-hand the importance of budgeting. Join me as I write about organizing and cleaning your home and life.

Renting Vs Buying

There are many different reasons why you should consider renting a property rather than buying. However, if you think buying is right for you then there is no reason why you shouldn’t purchase a property. Renting Renting a property is one option for your living arrangements. But it isn’t always the cheapest option. Sometimes it…


Why Make The Bed

There are many different reasons why it is important to learn the habit of making your bed. Not only will your bedrooms look nicer when you enter the room, but you will feel better too. Make the bed: it can improve how you feel Looking into a room where the made bed is neat makes…

Credit Card Myths

Credit Card Myths

There are many myths that try to point you in a different direction and often these myths are slim on facts, they are miss leading and can cost you money. Understanding the complex issues that surround a credit card and borrowing money is complex, but get this right and it will save you money on…