Author: Sharon

I'm a qualified organizer and I've kept a clean home for over 25 years. I worked in a bank for a few years and saw first-hand the importance of budgeting. Join me as I write about organizing and cleaning your home and life.

Cleaning The Fridge

If you want your home clean and you take your family’s health seriously then you must consider cleaning your fridge on a regular basis. The old wire fridge shelves were a nightmare to keep clean, but since most fridges have glass shelves now, it has reduced the time it takes to make the inside smell fresh….


Not Tracking Your Budget

In a personal or family budget all sources of income (inflows) are identified and expenses (outflows) are planned with the intent of matching outflows to inflows (making ends meet).  Making a budget is the best move with controlling your finances, it allows you to allocate money to the different areas. It gives you control and not allowing your finances…