How To Improve Your Kitchen Cleaning Schedule
If you want to improve your kitchen cleaning schedule so it feels less like cleaning, there are a few ways to do this!
Yes, they involve cleaning, unless you can find someone else to do the cleaning for you!
The idea is to keep your kitchen clean and organized daily without feeling like you need a massive cleaning session!
If You Want A Clean House
Seriously, if you are looking for a clean home, even just a clean kitchen there are things that you can do that helps the process!
You do need to tackle the kitchen on a daily basis!
Why, because this is a highly used environment and does need constant care to keep it up to any sort of standard, but you don’t need to spend hours a day cleaning!
There are tasks that you will need to do on a daily basis and there are other tasks that you will need to spread out over the week and month!
How often you do a monthly/weekly task will depend on how clean you want your kitchen and how much stuff you have to keep clean!
How To Tackle The Cleaning
The easiest way to manage your kitchen cleaning is to have a checklist for all the tasks that you need to do.
Having a daily checklist helps you to get into a routine, in the beginning, it helps you to identify the areas you need to tackle and is a great visual reminder of the daily maintenance your kitchen requires!
In the beginning, you will need to add the items to this daily list as you remember them. It will be different for everyone, so a filled-in printable doesn’t always work!
This is why I leave my printables blank so you can fill them in to meet your needs!
You can laminate the list, or even just put it inside a plastic poly pocket folder, then use a whiteboard marker to cross off the task each day and then wipe it clean ready for the next day!
I like to have mine attached to the fridge, held on by a couple of magnets! I don’t cross it off anymore, I just have it for reference and to check that I’m not forgetting anything!
Creating A House Cleaning Schedule
There are so many options as to how you address your cleaning, some suggest a cleaning schedule, others, particular tasks on different days!
However, for me, this just doesn’t work! I don’t always feel up to doing a particular chore, or I might have a lot of other stuff to do and adding in more cleaning is just too much!
So, how I tackle the cleaning is different than most people! I have a daily task list for the different areas of the home! Like the dishes are done after every meal, the floors are swept daily!
There are days I just don’t get all the basics done, life happens and I’m OK with that! There are others that live in the house and they are able to tackle things that I miss!
The rest of the cleaning is on a list, separated by each room. I note down the date the item was last cleaned! It means I have a visual of all the areas in my home that need cleaning and when they were last cleaned.
My Kitchen Deep Cleaning
I literally look at my list to see what was cleaned and when and pick something extra to clean.
There is no real reason what I pick, it depends on what I want to clean!
What I’m in the mood for cleaning is what I will pick to tackle! Everything ends up getting cleaned, I just pick one item in each room a week extra to tackle.
There are some things that I do more than others, I like to clean the floors more frequently and I generally steam clean every other day!
I just like to go with the flow at the moment and not follow a detailed cleaning schedule!
What Domestic Cleaners Do You Use
I think the most important point is to use what you are comfortable with!
If you are happy to make your own cleaners then this is just as OK as buying a cleaning product from the store!
The more I deal with cleaning products the more I’m turning to the natural products.
It’s more about understanding what the product will do for you and how effective it is at cleaning and for what areas you should use it for!
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What House Cleaning Tools To Use
The tools you use depends on personal preference, what you like, what you can afford and what works for you!
Yes, it’s great to get the perspective of another person as to what they use, however, a lot of the time you do need to consider what is right for you!
By tackling the kitchen on a daily basis and noting down what other tasks you need to do you will reduce the stress and overwhelm you can feel when it comes to cleaning!
Tackle the basics daily will help to automate some of the cleaning and make your home look and feel cleaner!